Editor Buttons

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Peacelily, May 9, 2010.

  1. Peacelily

    Peacelily Adept

    Oh man, I love the editor buttons here.

    Where does one find new editor buttons like these?
  2. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    You mean the thumbs up symbol you choose for the thread? If so, I believe Shelly made those, and Shelly has not been around much.
  3. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    Here's an older version of the editor buttons Shelley put together: Editor Icons - vBulletin.org Forum

    But, the ones that are being used here (and AdminExtra) are different than that. I was going to ask about these as well. Anyone know where the 'updated' ones are located?
  4. Dietmar

    Dietmar Newcomer

    I´m interested too! :)

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