Eating Alone

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Joe., Jan 31, 2014.

  1. Joe.

    Joe. Regular Member

    When you are home alone for the day (or maybe just the evening) do you always cook a meal? Or maybe just snack or eat out?

    Do put more effort into your meals when someone else is going to be eating it too?
  2. Creaky

    Creaky Regular Member

    Take away if by myself, cook something with other people.
  3. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    it really depends on my mood :P
    I'll cook a feast or sometimes i'll snack on junk food :D
  4. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    I'll eat alone and eat a bagel or some cereal until my fiance gets home and cooks some dinner.
  5. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I eat alone most of the time. Have done it all my life. The only time I ever sit down to eat with someone is during holidays.
  6. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    Dad was the cook in the family... Most meals these days are delivered/take-out or fast food. Breakfast is usually home cooked- eggs, cereal, or pancakes.
  7. MainerMikeBrown

    MainerMikeBrown Regular Member

    When I'm home alone, I often cook simple things, such as tossing canned ravioli or spaghetti O's in the microwave.
  8. pixelek

    pixelek Regular Member

    Monday > Saturday I usually eat at work so junk food
    On Sundays I eat with my family at home or out. Depends on mood
  9. Russ

    Russ Regular Member

    I enjoy going to Sushi by myself for some reason. Relaxing, taste great and can focus on the food rather than entertain my girlfriend :D.
  10. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    You really can't go wrong with junk food. Especially chips & candy.
  11. MainerMikeBrown

    MainerMikeBrown Regular Member

    I tend to have more pride in my cooking when I'm putting together recipes for others to eat.
    pixelek likes this.

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