EarthLink spamBlocker

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Abomination, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    People email me begging and pleading that they just can not join my forum.

    They sometimes have "spam blockers" like the Earthlink spam blockers. The forum software sends an activation email to them and there is an autoreply that says "Tell me a little bit about yourself and I'll pass the message on for approval". Of course the forum software does nothing and the person never receives the activation email.

    So they send a pleading email saying they just cannot figure out what is going on! Then I manually activate the account and reply to their email. You guessed it I got the same auto reply from the Earth link spam blocker

  2. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    That auto-reply is hilarious (and I can see it being very annoying at the same time). :lol:
  3. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Yeah well if they don't enable my forum to be a "trusted source" so the PM email notifications don't get bounced then they might get their account zapped in a hurry.
  4. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    I occasionally get the email messages to get added to their whitelist, but I check the email address the forum messages are generated from. You don't check that email account?
  5. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    You mean check for bounced messages? Not really. I log in a few times a year.
  6. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    I also use the account to send personal messages to forum members, so I log in regularly. It helps I use Eudora as my email client, for checking multiple email accounts easily.
  7. Disasterpiece

    Disasterpiece Addict

    what is this service and why would someone want to use it?
    just an anti-spam like spamassassin?
  8. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Presumably it is an optional spam prevention device that comes with Earth link ISP. It is a 'white list' method of preventing spam, only accept emails from approved people.

    I just emailed hostgator, they have a white list method implemented for [email protected]

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