Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by Autopilot, Aug 27, 2014.

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  1. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Man you are not to clever are you?
    The theme came loaded with default information sir does that sound about right to you?
  2. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    So how come I get page unavailable when trying to find a domain, yet workd perfect on td web services
  3. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    Oh so you're saying that all the information that they have provided relating to their service came as a default theme, wow that's just amazing, could you point me in the direction of that exact theme on wordpress so I can purchase it myself.
  4. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Kid you are just proving my point ever statement you reply default kid it has yet to be updated to DH standards man just stop trying to prove something you cant its default a paid theme with default pages and text sir.
  5. Terry

    Terry Regular Member

    Typical how people add 2+2 and come up with 5 ..
  6. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Can someone please tell this kid before he makes himself look like a complete idiot. The packages that you see with the prices and the headers those are official DH prices and packages because they have been edited by us. They are also linked to our checkout. The reason the domain does not work is because i have yet to install the plugin for it so it is set to default as the theme came and how many times must i repeat myself the theme came fully packages with text and packages we have edited the packages but we have not edited all of the text yet, you can purchase the theme for 50$ at themeforest or themefuse either or i believe and if you think its pirated i have receipts kid so like i said just fall back bruh.
  7. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    Kid looool at that, what a very mature response from an idiotic fool, you are trying to justify blatant copying of an established website just like you did with your other site, what a fool you are, fake website to scam innocent people out of money.

    So then if you haven't built or updated your site correctly for all features to function why is it open, shouldn't you resolve these issues first before actually trading, you are an imbecile.
  8. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    You like the word kid don't you monkey boy!!

    You are a fraudster plain and simple no more to be said!!
  9. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Monkeyboy hmmm logical response for someone of your nature. Obviously you know nothing if the topic at hand. Also the site is open because we have customers we are updating live for a reason and yes you are right there is no more to be said research before you start blabbering on about something you know nothing about.
  10. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    Someone of my nature? now what would that be? eh kid?

    Very defensive aren't we kid, or should that be little boy, you seem to have a habit of copying things.
  11. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Eh just dont get it thats the sad part.
  12. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    No you wouldn't being a bit thick would you
  13. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    I think it is even sadder that you don't get reputation = reputable = success in your business.
    I've been doing some further research and have read many posts by others and you on several admin forums that brings into question your integrity. Your responses to others questions (as shown here) show your immaturity and lack of business sense. As a CEO you should be promoting your business if you want it to succeed not show others how badly you play one upmanship with others who have made valid observations about apparent questionable business practices.
    Unfortunately you and you alone have left a trail of burnt bridges behind you on many forums that will in my opinion be difficult to overcome in years to come.
    A word of advise, you can't build a reputable business with questionable conduct and practices as you have displayed here and elsewhere.
    Finally, you and you alone have discouraged me from doing any business with you or your company.
  14. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Well i dont take to kindly of folks bashing a company they know nothing about exept for false allegations. So excuse my sense of response, as for promoting my company i have many customers who love DH not because of false allegations but because the core of our company with that being said everyone has there own opinion and DH 300+ customers have theirs.
  15. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    @DriveHosting, where is this data center in Council Bluffs, IA mentioned on your site's datacenter page? I know of no data centers in Council Bluffs, IA, except for Google's.
  16. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Data Centers page has been updated to the current DH Data Center information.
  17. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Well all that will be worked on today, We brought on the new theme slightly after DH was hacked and we stayed down for quite some time, our servers never went down just the official website. During this time we did not essentially have any problems with our customers because we are still in contact with them from our support login page which happen to still be up and we could also be contacted by email or mass server email. We took a big hit in sales from climbing over 1k to a stand still, but during this time out Innovation did not stop we lost about 40 customers that were monthly customers due to the fact that they were under the impression that the server was insecure but at this time DH was not hosted on a private server actually owned by us we were hosted by HostGator.
    During the time after the hacking many innovative measures were taken to ensure DH would never experience this problem again.

    1. DriveHosting is now hosted on a private server which is located in our Houston Data Center in which for the most part my technicians are in control of as well as myself I visit 3 times out of the week.
    2. SSL was introduced to DH in which we have I am uploading it back as we speak.
    3. Custom security scripts were added to 2 of our Tier 1 data centers which are the Houston and North Carolina Locations.
    4. Server security and location security was enhanced we took on 13 more security professionals as well as signed contracts for locational services.
    5. An extra layer of security was added to our main server locations as well as SAN storage locations.
    6. A custom security control panel was added to most users cPanel for security and instant notifications of security alerts protocols.
    So from the time of the DH incident we have tremendously stepped our security measures. We are currently running on a private hosting server and looking to continue to innovate.

    Most of the DriveHosting pages are being updated as we speak I guess ive been caught up doing other things other than most of the important things that I should be doing on the front end of the site, Ive been concentrating on server issues, contract etc, but today I shall get everything done.

    @@Superboy and you are absolutely right excuses should not be used, but I really do not like the way users are badgering a company with many false accusations as to copy and pasting other sites when clearly it is not copy and paste it came on the theme and just was not updated yet, but it will be updated today.

    Other than that please feel free to ask anything you want I have no problem answering any questions, but if I feel like your trying to continue to badger my company then of course im going to take offense to it.

    Im not saying I do not take opinions or constructive criticism but there is a limit.

    Well thanks.
  18. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    Why did you have Council Bluffs, IA listed in the first place?

    Why did your online support (you) even insist that the Council Bluffs data center existed at 6th street and 16th avenue?

    Why did you wipe out your first hosting attempt, leaving your 300 clients in the lurch?

    There's an unsettling pattern of behavior here.
  19. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Counsil Bluffs wad the default that came with the theme. Also i do not control the online support sorry again research before accusation im never on customer support i only answer tickets.
  20. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    Who told your online support team that you, the owner, had a data center in Council Bluffs, IA, with 300 servers in it? Sure, that could have been part of the default template, but your online rep INSISTED it existed, and gave out an address, where no data center exists. Why would they do that, and not just say that the datacenter information was part of the original template, and hadn't been updated yet?
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