Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by Autopilot, Aug 27, 2014.

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  1. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    I've been researching hosts to place a new forum/website and I came across this . However there seems to be some irregularities such as their website is very similar to
    Even a whois search of the domain names return 2 different locations a continent and country apart.
    Then there was a question of their Server Specialists identity. His name is Chris Walls but his picture is that of Josef Karas.
    Can anyone shed some light on the legitimacy of this CEO Joshua L Prout and his ?
    Perhaps @Big al could use some of his skills to ferret out what's up?
    Phoenix11 likes this.
  2. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

  3. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    That picture has now been removed from the site.
  4. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    Really? Any reason why?
  5. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    Be interesting to find out why
  6. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

  7. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    oh my.....
  8. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    The promotion manager name was recently added. Maybe the image removal was done in the same edit? No image of Destiny though?

    Didn't DrveHosting learn anything the first time he copied Hostway and Liquid Web's content?

    The SSL cert was removed from the client area. No real explanation for that
  9. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    Is this the same guy that's also copied the TAZ site too and called himself TAS :pompus:
  10. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    Yeah. I think he said he had about 300 hosting clients in 6 months of operation, then wiped out his whole site, clients and all, no explanation given.

    Now it looks like he's back. Wonder how many clients stayed with him?
  11. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    This DriveHosting is sounding even more 'dodgy' as time goes by, so he wipes out his site and customers and claims to be I wouldn't be surprised if he's using pirated software on his admin forum, is there a way to check this @SneakyDave
  12. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    A search of the image shows Joshua L Prout to be the admin of using the user name of "MoonGlare"
    He is showing as a member "DriveHosting" here.
  13. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

  14. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    I don't know if he's using any pirated software. He's been using WordPress (free), and some themes from that, most beginning hosters go that route as I understand it. Then they purchase a WHCMS license for billing, and interface that with whatever infrastructure they're using.

    After he wiped out his original site, I think he had a default wordpress install as the home page, it was hacked a couple of times, and then he it looks like he re-launched.

    But this iteration doesn't have SSL support for the client area, and the servers appear to be hosted in entirely different data centers now.

    He didn't really answer a lot of information about his first go-around in hosting. He ended up deleting a lot of negative posts on TAZ when he was on staff. He's not on staff anymore, I don't think. I doubt he'll answer any new questions with this latest information.

    At least he isn't declaring it the "#1 USA Based reliable hosting service" anymore
  15. Rasty

    Rasty Regular Member

    Isn't he fairly active on TAZ?
  16. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    Yeah, fairly active here too, I believe. More posts than I have, :laugh:
  17. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    Thanks @Big al from what you and others have said this guy does not seem to be a reputable hosting option.
  18. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Well the theme is a default theme that was purchased from themeforest possible why the 2 sites look the same, DH was hacked about a month ago luckily all of our sites data is stored off site. One of the reasons why you possible cannot find much information is because we are hosted on our own servers. We actually do have an SSL certification it has yet to be restored but it will be restored later on today. As for losing any of our customer we did not we actualky reached a $1,500 milestone a couple days ago and also reached over 350 customers.

    As for my administration site we are license on xenforo and we can prove it. As for pirating anything trust me i dont need to im capable of paying for anything i need to pay for.

    As for our staff we have yet to upload many of there photos due to theme issues but most of the photos are default to whome it may concern.

    As for my company being a fraudulent company in no way we are not.

    As for me not answering questions about my company im always willing to answer anything whenever i have time so ask away.

    Also please do not post non sense that you think you know about my company get hard facts in which you cannot because half of the things stated in this thread are false. If you have questions ask me directly instead of asking a bunch of folks who think they know things and they dont!
  19. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    Oh so you used a similar theme but copied all td web services data hmmmmmm
    DriveHosting likes this.
  20. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    @SneakyDave @Autopilot @Phoenix11

    Also since when does having the same paid theme make a company fraudulent?

    Also some features and pictures might be the same simply because i have not gotten around to changing them.
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