Don't send spam

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Lizard King, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. TSUFanatic

    TSUFanatic Regular Member

  2. PhoenixDown

    PhoenixDown Regular Member

    Oh no, sky is falling! I've seen sites that have accidentally sent out notices when upgrading and/or migrating software or even just changing settings. It happens. No need for melodrama.
    pixelek, Terry and BamaStangGuy like this.
  3. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    You got the email because you had the option to Receive Mailings From Admins set.

    No it wasn't set without your consent.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
    LowWaterMark and Sheldon like this.
  4. Florence Jensen

    Florence Jensen Regular Member

    Don't know then... sounds like the type of thing Brandon used to do when owning this site, lol.
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