I never signed up to Admin extra e-mails yet i constantly receive them. it maybe a policy within the new owner as i never received these previously. If i ever receive any single unwanted e-mail , i'll gladly report Admin talk to all spam databases.
I am sure just asking to be removed from the email list would have been sufficient without making threats ..
They change name and owners so fast , the spammer is Admin Talk not extra and again this only started when the website change ownership.
Just checked my email and have nothing sent from here. So maybe you have receive emails from admin ticked. I always untick that on forums to avoid getting newsletter junk
http://d.pr/EjlZ/OsEa27GC is the spam e-mail. As stated , i never subscribe to community e-mails ( even on my own ) so this is set by administrator without my consent.
I've had this happen myself but not from this forum. In fact I don't recall receiving a single email from here, ever. It seems to be a XenForo thing for want of a better term, to suddenly start receiving unwanted emails from a site. I'd take a guess that a recently installed add-on is responsible, polling a user setting to create a mailing list perhaps? [EDIT] Maybe this one? https://xenforo.com/community/resources/inactive-members.2916/
Looks like you could be right about it being that add-on, even look of the email template used getting sent out is identical to the image link he posted above. Question then about this mod, seems it doesn't respect the "No Site Emails From Admin" setting in XF, it sends an email out to you after being inactive for so long regardless. Bit spammy that not respecting the proper setting in XenForo for site emails. Curious also. How often does it send the email out after a member is inactive for so long, if they don't come visiting the forum still on getting it first time, does it repeat sending them out again after so long?
Looks like some assumptions are being made. Yes, that email is from Andy's 'Inactive Members' add-on but it does respect the User Control Panel option to not receive emails or not. "Receive Site Mailings" at http://www.admin-talk.com/account/privacy (I just logged in here for the first time in a very long time just to turn that option off so I guess the bulk mail worked, if only briefly, in my case ).
The user does not "subscribe" to anything, it is simply a check box in their account preferences to receive site mailing or not and is usually turned on by default when an account is created. Uncheck the box and the "spam" goes away.
Think that was a figure of speech, meaning he unchecks the box. Not many forums do offer a subscription method.
If he unchecked that box and still received an email generated from that add-on then the only way it could have happened is if somebody willfully changed the source code to the add-on since it is hard-coded in there. Of course only LK can confirm if his account has the option checked or not and only somebody that is an admin with access to the add-on source code on the server can confirm if it was modified to bypass the user choice. And if it was willfully bypassed then, yeah, somebody should be yelled at, otherwise it is much ado about nothing.
Seems you are correct. Read the mod description and it says this. So no idea what OP is on about then?
Well just to be awkward, I have that box ticked which I'm 99% positive was the default setting for me. However I haven't received the mail and I'm 100% certain of that i.e. it hasn't been sent to a spam folder and it hasn't been deleted. So, was it something I said? I want my mail!