Hello I am going to me making a fully customized blog but the price is pretty high because of the features that will be on it. I am looking for someone to donate $100. This is a donation until I earn that amount of cash (plus 20%) then you'll get everything payed back. This is how you can "use" your money: 1. Ad on side of site that will stay up for X amount of time until we believe it has been up for $100 + worth of time. 2. Once I start making money for my site you will be the first one to get the profit 3. Become a writer. As I said it is a Mets blog so if interested you can write for it. For what ever amount of money you donate (can be more then 100) you will also make a 20% profit on it. So if you give me 100 in the long run you will be getting 120. Which is a $20 profit so it makes it worthwhile for you.
I don't see anything bad about it? Your lending me money then I will pay you back once I get enough money plus you get an extra 20% of what you paid.
The cost is $95 can someone please help me out? I will do the deal that I posted and you can talk to anyone that has made transactions with me. I do them clean. I need to send this money in tomorrow morning so if someone will do this send money via paypal to [email protected] I will also PM you all of my contact info so we can stay in touch 24/7. Please I have a team and everything ready, the design is absolutely beautiful. We will not be a site that says up for a month and then is taken down.
Yes the New York Mets. I also have writers that have season tickets to the Mets so we will always be in depth with reviews of games, etc. Too answer FMB post, I did.