Domain Hosting Sites

Discussion in 'Web Development and Programming' started by Matthew, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Matthew

    Matthew Regular Member

    What domain host do you use? I'm considering getting a new domain and I want a reliable domain host with a reasonable price. (<10/yr)
    I've been googling around but I'm not sure. I dont want my domain to break all of a sudden!

    Any recommendations?
  2. Gufran

    Gufran Regular Member

    Godaddy is a leading domain host. They are secure, reliable and feature rich. also the customer support is lightening fast. You can use the Godaddy $1 code which is released every month by godaddy. by using this code you can register a domain just for $1 + 0.88(ICANN fees) = $1.88.
  3. Matthew

    Matthew Regular Member

    Does the $1 code work for .COM domains? Is it possible for me to recieve a Godaddy .COM domain for merely $1.88?

    If so, that is an amazing code. Thanks! I will be on the hunt for one of these :)
  4. Gufran

    Gufran Regular Member

    Yup, this code works for all top level as well as second level domains. and the best part is, you need not to go for hunt it comes to you instead.

    Create a google alert for "Godaddy $1 coupon code" with quotes and set :

    Type : Everything
    How often : As it happens
    Volume : only the best results
    Deliver to : Your email ID goes here.

    Ta dahh....... You'll now receive a mail from google as soon as the godaddy new code is released. Enjoy.
  5. Matthew

    Matthew Regular Member

    I googled about Godaddy's hosting coupons and apparently they've decided to revoke the coupons from now on and they want you to have to call one of their numbers and mention "Stay cool."

    I don't feel good about calling an international number and giving my credit card information. I don't know what the phone fees will be either. I guess I will stick with a $7.49 coupon then.
  6. Gufran

    Gufran Regular Member

    They havn't revoked the coupon system, the coupon code for this month was cool1, and you dont even need to call them, both online and over the phone registration methods are same, except, in Phone call method their support staff register the domain for you. You can register it by yourself, just log into your godaddy account and register the desired domain, take care that you apply the coupon code before you checkout.

    FYI the code COOL1 is no longer available now, coupons get destroyed after 10000 redemption or 10 days, whichever earlier.
  7. Matthew

    Matthew Regular Member

    AH! Damn. I just missed out on my chance. I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for next year: Can't let another opportunity like this fly by.
  8. Gufran

    Gufran Regular Member

    Just want to correct, Next Month not Next Year ???
  9. Matthew

    Matthew Regular Member

    hehe, sorry, I meant next month. Time does fly by quick nowadays, so next year wouldn't be too much of a surprise! In September I will be sure to catch the hostgator code.

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