Domain Extension Set

Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by David, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. David

    David Regular Member

    When you intend on starting a long term project, eg. a forum, website etc., do you buy a whole domain extension set? (the com/net/org/info)

    For my forum, Argumentz, I bought the com/net/org/info to avoid domain squatters gaining any potential traffic. I intend on adding a site to each of them, and create a network towards the main .com forum.
    Kaiser likes this.
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Not really, its a waste of money but I do see why anyone would do that. Adminbb first started on a .info, after buying a .org I deleted the .info 2 weeks later. I regret that, I should have kept it. But the thing is if you buy all the extensions, you will have to pay alot of money at the end of the year, which you could have just invested in your site.
  3. David

    David Regular Member

    For me, cost isn't an issue for me, but I guess it could be for other people. I like the assurance that someone won't be squatting on your forum name.
    Kaiser likes this.
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea I see your point. But im on a tight budget, cant spend money on things that are not very important at the moment. I just hope no one buys the .info lol, and the .com and .net is taken.
  5. RNB

    RNB Regular Member

    Right now, I'm looking to buy the .net version of my forum's name. What I'm thinking of doing is using the .com for the homepage and the .net for the forum. That's if I can get it, of course.

    .org, .info, .whatever are pointless, IMO.
  6. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    .info's are, but .org .net and .com are the same.
  7. David

    David Regular Member

    .org is a strong domain and sometimes considered more worthy/useful than a .net. Consider this example I found on DP: you could have (Commercial/Company), (non-profit sector/charity), (general information for new buyers etc.), and then you have (a network?? internet??). There's clearly no line which can go down as it's not a network (or wouldn't want to brand themselves as) and it's not an internet provider as such.

    Why would you think .org and .info are pointless? Do you have reasons?
    Kaiser likes this.
  8. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    You said it better than I could have. Nice points.
  9. RNB

    RNB Regular Member

    From a domainers standpoint, I don't really think that matters. The intended purpose of those TLDs you mentioned are generally ignored. If someone has an information site and has the opportunity to buy the .com, .net, or .org and still chooses the .info instead, then I think that's a mistake. I look at them in these terms: 1) Dot Com 2) Dot Net 3) Dot Org 4) A toss up between Dot Info and Dot Biz. That's how I would rank them in terms of domain popularity. So that's why I wouldn't purchase the .org if I already own what I consider the #1 and #2 domain extensions.
  10. David

    David Regular Member

    I'm trying to paradoxically point out what you are exactly saying; that the meaning of the extension doesn't really matter.

    You chose because of popularity, but there really isn't anything to prove or show the .net is more popular than the .org. In fact, I would place .org higher, notably using Wikipedia as an example, being the most prominent .org dominating the Internet.

    I would never consider .biz though as it's general uncertainty and scarcity of a main domain wouldn't be known to the general user.

    Anyway, I would want to maximize on traffic opportunities, hence I got the .org which is a very recognizable and popular extension in the current context.
  11. kavin

    kavin Regular Member

    I would initially buy only one extension needed and finally get the others when my site really gets successful.
  12. RNB

    RNB Regular Member

    Except for the fact that the registration rate is higher and the domains with that extension generally go for more money (on Sedo at least).

    Wikipedia notwithstanding, .org is commonly known as the third largest gTLD, behind .net and .com. How the public as a whole perceives them is something that hasn't been measured. But I think that the registration rate is a very good indication of where the domains stand amongst each other.
  13. David

    David Regular Member

    Registration rate isn't necessarily a good measurement, as it doesn't determine how much traffic goes towards that site. Anyway, you were referring to an old report, the new one can be found here, which shows the .org increasing in registrations. You should note that there are many novice domainers who are under the illusion that if the .com is already bought, then they can do equally as good on the .net, which means it adds to the .net count. The VeriSign reports doesn't separate .coms and .nets so it is hard to determine their separate increase or decrease in ratio, though.

    Wikipedia is an excellent example of what the public sees in terms of TLDs. The general user will use Wikipedia and see it has a .org. I don't think there are many generic, large websites on the .net extension which the average internet user uses.
  14. RNB

    RNB Regular Member

    1. I think that's the case with all of them, though. That's why I said what I said about TLDs not having any real meaning anymore. People are buying them as a last resort; an alternative to not having the preferred dot com.

    2. That kind of reinforces my point about .net being more on part with .com.

    3. The amount of traffic a particular site receives really has nothing to do with the popularity of the TLD. Wikipedia, as you mentioned, is one of the most trafficked sites on the web. That by itself doesn't mean that .org trumps .com (or .net). It only speaks to what Wikipedia has done with their website.

    Comparing the two charts, it seems as if both TLDs have experienced an increase, but the disparity between the two of them is still just about the same as where it was in '09.

    Well, to be honest, I can't name any other highly trafficked .org's off the top of my head, besides Wikipedia, and only one .net (""). I cede your point, though. Wikipedia's a .org and people recognize it as such. Checking, I found that only about 8000 or so come through that pathway, which I find amazing.

    I know it's anecdotal, but when I don't know the exact extension to something, my first instinct is to try the .net, and then, if that doesn't work, I'll try the .org.
  15. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member


    Your reasoning is not that good. I still choose the extensions based on what they are meant for, and i dont care if others buy it and they dont match it with the genre with their site. Thats a mistake on their part. I find it crazy that you compare a .org to a .info, they are not even near. .info's are used alot because its very cheap $1.99... thats why people buy it to have a good feeling that they are using a TLD on their site, and they dont have the money to pay for a actual TLD like a .com, .org, .net. Thats the main reason most people buy .infos But its way overused, and I dont consider it a top level domain anymore. .net is mostly meant for big networks, and their isnt any big popular sites I see that uses a .net, but I know alot that uses a .com and a .org like google and wikipedia. .orgs are much better and popular then .nets.
  16. David

    David Regular Member

    Which essentially is why I said if you're going to get the .net then why not the .org as well...

    You bolded the first part of that sentenced and purely argued that. I added "so it is hard to determine their separate increase or decrease in ratio". If the .net ratio is decreasing and it's still counted with .com then we can't fairly compared them.

    Of course traffic is important. Who's the site for? It's for the user/visitor/member/client etc, which is traffic! If a .org is being recognized by the public then it makes it far more popular than the others which are not recognized by the public. If I have a .org and everyone knows about it, and you have the .net which no one knows about, then which extension can be perceived as more popular? Of course the .org. Registrations are for the domainer, which the eventual site isn't targeted for. It's one illusion that the Versign report makes.

    The graph doesn't show much unless you are giving the raw figures. It's clear the .org has increased by ratio though.

    There are many .orgs which you just don't think about but know. Cancer Council, Leukemia, Earth Hour, United Nations and United Nations network of organisations and the list goes on from that.

    Fair enough; I bought the com/net/org/info because of that reason. My .com may have an issue, so I have the 3 other extensions to entertain users whilst I see to the issue.
    Kaiser likes this.
  17. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Lol im liking it this debate :)
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