WTS Domain Clearance Sale

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by karoshio, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. karoshio

    karoshio Regular Member

    Hey all,

    I'm having a domain clearance sale with all prices reduced a ton compared to any other price I have ever listed!

    All Domains Are Registered With NameCheap.
    Free push to the account of your choosing within 24 hours of purchase.

    If you're interested in contacting any you can contact me via private message or for a faster response a quick email too:
    [email protected]

    Domain AionSource.net
    Expires: 8/31/2012
    Price: $5

    Domain: DiscussionBB.com
    Expires: 9/29/2012
    Price: $10

    Domain: ForumPromoting.com
    Expires: 7/31/2012
    Price: $15

    Domain: Interviewed.me
    Expires: 11/01/2012
    Price: $10

    Domain: L4DForum.com
    Expires: 8/10/2012
    Price: $10

    Domain: NintendoBB.com
    Expires: 03/03/2012
    Price: $10

    Domain: PromotionForums.info
    Expires: 7/31/2012
    Price: $3

    Domain: TubeSites.info
    Expires: 08/08/2012
    Price: $2

    Domain: WebmasterForums.us
    Expires: 01/21/2012
    Price: $20

    Domain: XenSkins.com
    Expires: 12/22/2012
    Price: $20

    All must go!
  2. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    XenSkins would be a good one for a desginer. Going cheap too!
  3. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    I would like to buy these. I'll fetch some cash to make this happen.
  4. karoshio

    karoshio Regular Member

    Sent you a late reply Carlos. XenSkins was sold but I made you a nice deal for the other two :)

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