dolphan from alabama

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome dolphan!!! I'm a Michigan native too. Kalamazoo --as a matter of fact I can see bozodog from dining roon window. I really like your fireman to cute LOL I'm a empty nester with the joy of grandchildren(8) Not working,and not caring too.
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hello dolphan from alabama! My name is Brenda. I'm new too and that is with a computer, to "The Gazebo", typing, and I don't think I've used my writing skills in --- well a while. I live in Michigan (real close to bozodog) with my sweetie (dh) and two of the most spoiled dogs ever.I was in Alabama once-I had basic training at Fort McCallen . If my memory is correct is was pretty country but running those hills would like to kill me. Welcome and I'll watch for your posting .TTFN
  3. mrsheat

    mrsheat Regular Member

    Well I finally had the chance to get in here....

    Welcome Dolphan.... may I ask what the name Dolphan stands for?

    I"m married with 2 DD's 4 cats.. and 3 dogs....

    I live in Tennessee... about 30 miles north of Knoxville, and 40 miles south of Kentucky....

    I may not be from the south, but I too got here as fast as I could....although some say because we are from Florida that we are from the south... however there was nothing remotely southern about where I lived... Unless your talking southern Cuba....

    Again, welcome... glad I Finally got the chance to come in ...

  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I lived in Maryland until December of 1969. Dad was a (then) Baltimore Colts fan. We moved to Alabama at the same time their coach, Don Shula, took the Miami Dolphins head coaching job. We followed Shula and became Dolphins (DOL) fans (PHAN). DOLPHAN.

  5. mrsheat

    mrsheat Regular Member

    See now thats what I thought it would be... LOL too funny....

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