Hello! Another beautiful day in Prattville, Alabama. I stumbled upon southernlady's site and realized that she is married to a high school friend. We graduated together in 19 mumble, mumble.
:rainbowwelcome: dolphan, and glad you posted. I'm also glad you stumbled onto my site and found my dh. (Dear Husband) (or can be damned husband, depending on what he has or hasn't done). I think most of this group graduated about that same year...19mumble, mumble...only mine was a tad sooner as I am a tad older. LOL Liz .
Welcome to the gazebo, Dolphan! I live in New Jersey with my dh and dd (19) who is in her 2nd year of college. We also have a wonderful dog named Max. Glad to have you join us. Jump in and tell us a bit about you...likes, dislikes, etc. Carol
I would like to add my welcome to Dolphan. Yes we did graduate High School in 19(mumble)(mumble) and we lived to talk about it. Glad you found us. Charles
Hi Dolphan and welcome to the Gazebo!! I live in Michigan, married and Momma to Kate, 24 and Aron, 22 who are attending college and sharing an apartment with two other girls (3 girls, 1 boy, oh boy!! They supply great stories!) I want to hear stories about you and Charles' antics in HS. Don't worry, we all know he has a naughty streak AnotherLiz
Howdy, dolphan, and welcome to the Gazebo! I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. Yeah, give us the scoop on you and "the" dh of southernlady. LoL! Hmm, seems like I graduated that same year! Dave :clapping:
Thank you, thank you very much. (my best Elvis impersonation) :thankyou: Charles and I were perfect angels in high school. No trouble for anyone. As a matter of fact, the whole graduating class was the best the school ever had!:Coopwink: I go by my initials, L.T. I have two sons, Lorin and Josh. Lorin is named after my father (and me) and he carries the "IV" at the end of the name. Hey, its my kingdom, and my dynasty...I'll do what I want. I am in the automotive wholesale parts field. I have been for almost thirty years. I work for a GM, Chyrysler, Jeep dealership. My brother and I are in the process of buying a roller skating rink. It's not a huge place but it keeps the kids off the streets on Friday and Saturday night. Got to get back to work! Have a great day! LT
L.T. if my dh is anything now like he was in high school, trouble is his middle name, LOL. I think he likes to instigate and then watch what happens. :harhar: Sounds interesting and rewarding. Two boys...sounds like you and Dave have something in common there. Are they grown? Or still in school? Charles' two daughters are grown and on their own now. Liz
Welcome! I'm here in SW Michigan. I live with a Sweet Brit (SB) 3 dawgs and 2 cats. Been in KALAMAZOO (yes, there really is) over 30 years and am a native of Mich.
Lorin is 20. Josh is 17, in charge of the world, and...a senior in high school. Lorin is working. Josh has a partial scholarship to Faulkner College in Montgomery. We'll see how it plays out. Kalamazoo. Someone does live in the fictional city, huh?
*head swimming at the thought of practice driving with TWO boys!* Thank you for the roller rink plans! They're closing down up here, due to liability insurance costs (Michigan!!) But they were always busy, especially in the Winter--I suppose the rinks down there are busy in the Summer with folks wanting to get out of the heat. And what a great way for kids to hang out and get some exercise! Hope the plans go through. I'm 2-3 hours Northwest of Kazoo, a stones throw from Lake Michigan (hold up the map of michigan (hand), about halfway up the pinky side) Liz, I'm expecting Charles to pipe in with a "I heard that, too!" :harhar: AnotherLiz
Come down anytime! I have a key. We can get in! We stay busy year-round. You would think that football season would slow us down, but that is our busiest time. We, also, do private parties on Saturday and weekday evenings. I have a good time baby sitting.:Coopwink: There was a 33 year lapse in skating for me. The in-lines are so much easier than the quads. But the distance from buttocks to floor has changed a bit.:surprise0785: Am I the only one in the deep south that is on the Gazebo? LT
Right now, the only other two are Mamacita (Cindy) and MrsHeat (Kelly). Cindy hails from Atlanta but is from CA and Kelly lives in TN but was from S. FL. And then there is Charles and I who are TRYING to get back south as soon as we can. Liz
That's the way most people are. They may not BE from the south, but they try to get here as quick as they can. :cloud9:
Yeah, but we are BOTH southerner's. I grew up in Greenville, SC and you know Charles, LOL. Our current location is JUST job related. LOL Liz
I dunno... I'm a Michigander and love it. Been south and it's kewl but not quite the same as here. Your seasons are too mixed in, not cold enough to quilsh the bugs and way too hot and humid for too long in the summer. Nothing beats a crisp, cold, white Christmas and a good defining change of the seasons. I won't even mention how I feel about BORING areas like Florida and California.... My Sweet Brit is from Manchester (last) and he loves our weather. Of course the change from 40-70s and rain/fog is enticing. The summer heat does him in a bit but he just gets as naked as is legal and soaks up the sun. Mmmm, is summer here yet?
I HAVE enjoyed that but I also want spring flowers in March not May/June typically. IF we still had family up here it may have been different. But with no family up here now, I figure being near them is where we need/want to be. Liz
I've lived in Alabama since 1970. You never get used to the humidity, but you learn to live with it. A natural weight loss program! Being an Air Force brat forced us here, from Maryland. I like the snow chances we have here. Get enough to force the city to shut down. Build a snowman one day...cut the grass the next. LOL