I use PayPal every day to send and receive money. The only reason being is that everyone else uses it. Would rather switch to AlertPay or one of the other many great upcoming payment processors. It just kind of bugs me that PayPal has so much power
I use paypal to buy premium for zb, domains, etc. but I've never had anyone donate to me, so I guess I don't.
if your using it to buy things then your certainly still using PayPal, just not receiving money on PayPal
I use paypal for everything, including sending and receiving donations. I never keep a balance on it though, as you know, no site is 100% safe. Once I get a donation, it goes straight to my bank account.
Yes. It's most the most reliable/secure (which may not be saying a lot, lol!)...and it's by far the most commonly used. It's hard to find somebody who spends money online who does not have a PayPal account...until you get to people in certain countries.
I use paypal most of the time, it's really a hassle if you don't considering how many people use it. For payments like domains or hosting though I'll usually use my debit card.
Yup, It's easy and everybody uses it (teehee). AlertPay's interface is a little nicer in my opinion but it just isn't used enough to be relevant at this point. (My opinion, of course)
Yea, if you use alertpay you wont be able to purchase things most of the time as most support paypal.
Yep, I use PayPal as well. I find it a necessary evil of sorts since most people use it. The best thing is if you get a PayPal debit card - 1% cashback is very nice, especially in the hosting industry
PayPal's easy and useful for almost everything. For larger purchases, I use my debit/credit card for the added security with the bank, but PayPal pretty much pays for everything else online.