We all know that sleeping keeps our body strong and pushing itself to the limit. So how much sleep do you get?
I am a die-hard you-need-your-sleep-for-optimum-health guy, but the problem is I have trouble sleeping. My mind is always going a million miles per minute, thinking about things, worrying about things, and just goes so many different directions. I stress easily and have trouble relieving it... so I basically get little sleep. When I can get sleep, I aim for 8+ hours per night. No lights, no TV, no sound (i.e., no distractions for the brain while resting).
I sleep for just 3-4 hours a day but sometimes I fall to sleep for almost a day (too tired). I am going to sleep now lol even it's 11:42 AM here in the noon, didn't sleep last night due to some works on internet. Good "night" zzzz
my god, my girlfriend just called and she is coming here soon and we will go to watch movies Have nothing to do now so I am back here :-s
I also have one of those minds that is going a million miles-per-hour and I have a hard time going to sleep. Lately I've been having an issue that when I wake up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night my brain starts flying again and I have troubles falling asleep again (and sometimes I don't).
i didnt tonight-went to bed at 4am, i was talking to my friend online, ad lost track of time, and then my mum wakes me at 12, so i can look after my little brother while she goes to the shop. one thing that really suprises me is that he was on the forum this morning, first post, 9:37am how can people survive on that little sleep and still be somewhat alive
Hmm, well, there used to be a time(when I first got the internet) in which I only sleepy 3-4 hours every 2-3 days. But that quickly deteriorated me and I started having a strange sleeping schedule. At the moment, my sleeping schedule is f*cked up, so I need to see if I can last till 9pm(I will start to be REALLY sleepy at 12pm or 1pm) and fix up my schedule.
I do that from time to time when my schedule is messed up. Mark gets mad at me when I do, but it's about the only way.
I'm always on a messed up schedule. By nature I'm a night person so I'm good with being up until 4-5 AM then going to bed until 2 or 3 PM unfortunately the rest of life is on a day schedule so I switch back and fourth. Just back on a day schedule today, stayed up until 11p yesterday and woke up at 7. Let's see how long this lasts. Other than that I always sleep pretty well normal 10 hours at a clip.
Lol, at the moment, I am sleeping at 12pm or 1pm(sleep is starting to hit at this moment) and waking up at 11pm or 12am. ^^ I'm also a night person...but I don't like it....no one is online at night...
Farm Town nearly killed me. I banned myself from facebook. I average 3-4 hours a sleep per 24 hours. Have done for many years now, I'm a very light sleeper so the slightest bit of noise and I'll be woken up and can't get back to sleep.
I can't remember the last time I slept for 6 consecutive hours. Between work, the internet, school and kids, sleep is just a dream.
I haven't slept well in years. Like Shelley I'm a very light sleeper and the least bit of noise jars me awake. Once I'm awake, forget sleep. I average 3 - 4 hours - 5 if I'm really lucky or really exhausted - per night. I achieve that by taking Tylenol PM and wearing ear plugs.
I need 7-8 hours of sleeping, but hardly get them. When I´m at home from work, only 2-3 hours are left until a reasonable bedtime. But this amount is running incredibly fast, so I tend to overstrapasize it with the consequence of getting not enough sleep. The weekends are my friends... If you can´t fall asleep within roundabout 10-15 minutes, it´d be worth to think about leaving the bedroom and being active in another room until you´ll get tired again. If you are staying in bed awake, your subconscious mind is tempted to connect awakeness with this location.