I know that managing a forum can take a lot of time out of an admin's time. There are always things to do, anything from coding to banning a spammer. But there are times when a) we feel extremely lazy to do any of those things, yet we still hit the refresh button on our forum, or b) there's really nothing to work on. Does that ever happen to you? Or do you always find new things on your site to keep yourself entertained?
Actually when I'm bored, I browse other forums, and/or blogs to see what new ideas I can come up with for my community. Music also helps my thoughts as well. And plus, if I'm bored with how things are going, I also take a nap and try to gather more thoughts.
Not really, I wish I was more active on a lot more forums. Sharing is caring, same thing with helping other people out with their forums. I've been involved with online communities since 2004. It's kind of nice actually. I don't even have Tapatalk installed on my iPhone 4. Same with forum runner. Only time I'm active on any forum is when I'm at my laptop. And I couldn't tell you how long I'm on sometimes because everyday varies.
I rarely have time to be "bored" to be honest. I'd like to lay around and not do much, but that doesn't happen very often..lol
I have gotten bored with my forum...thankfully i can be bored now and not worry. I only posted like 200 times last week on my forum(I usually try t do about 400 or so) and thankfully my members have finally found their tempo and are posting enough that i can be bored and sleep or do whatever and not worry I am just alitle bored because i feel like all my hardwork and dedication for the past year is finally catching up with me and i am just so tired of my site but i am getting back in the swing of things!
I don't get bored with my forum, but I do get lazy with it sometimes to be honest. I set posting goals for myself each day, and somedays I fail to reach those goals, but I usually make up for it the next day with being more active.
I get so little time to work on my forums (got a lot of client design jobs) that I can't wait to get there and read some of the posts, greet the new members etc. I'm far from being bored, would like to get more time on them to maybe get bored
Nope, I don't. Now I have had to take time away because life got too busy....or I haven't felt like posting much so I focused on other things.... But I can't say that it was ever because I was bored with a forum. I love my babies too much.