I remember in the past, I bought out a competitor and merged it into my community, thus increasing my communities' activity and things like that. But, I haven't bought a forum in a few years, but I probably will in the upcoming months, if I like the community. So, do you buy forums? How many forums have you bought?
No I have not bought a competitor, due to money, and the fact that I never thought it was a good idea. There might be members on the other forum that was allowed to post whatever they want, and when they get imported to my board, and I have stricter rules, and they try to do what they did on the other forum, and it might cause a good falling, and banning of members and locking of threads might end up being warranted.
It's a great idea to merge two communities together - especially if their staff members want to come over, and be apart of your community. I've merged communities together in the past, and they went well, but I lost data due to getting hacked and such, but I think merging is a great idea - especially if you buy out a dead, or active forum, and your community is alive and pumping. Or you can buy forums, and keep them running, make the investment money back, then merge. If they have less rules than you, then you can change up your rules to reflect the new community, ya know?
I have never bought other forums ever. I just dont like buying other peoples work. I prefer having a forum that I put my hard work into. But I may consider it in the future.
It depends on your money, and resources, correct? Sometimes its better to create your own forum, and buy others out, so you can make a bigger community. Why? It makes it more fun for the members, seeing much greater activity. If you had the chance to buy out a community, which one would you buy?
Yea it depends on money and resources. Right now I only have a limited amount for all site related payments and nothing extra to buy other communities.
Ya, same here. But, I'll have some funds in the upcoming months, once I get approved for SSD. Then, I can buy out, and run a whole network, or merge communites into mine.
I would definitely buy other forums, though, right now I'm holding off until XenForo has a good way to merge a bunch of forums (something like impex for vBulletin).
Its true, sites can be rebuilt its reputation can become stronger Forums reputation is built within members, posts and threads
Same, dont really have the plans to either. I prefer AdminBB how it is, and dont need to buy other forums and merge them when its doing fine.
I've never done it and don't think I ever will. I like to run things a certain way and if I see another admin's work it may discourage me a little Although, I have sold multiple databases before it's nothing I would do... At least right now. I haven't come across a community I like enough to merge with that was also willing.
I don't buy forums off of people unless they are actually selling it. With saying that I'd never merge it I would craft it into something of my own.