Do anything shady?

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by Demon_skeith, Apr 7, 2010.

  1. Demon_skeith

    Demon_skeith Regular Member

    During your time as a admin, have you done anything shady in order to make your forum better? Such things as PM advertising to steal members, steal codes and use them on your forum, destroy a few other forums to get their members, ect.
  2. NBK*Twitch

    NBK*Twitch Regular Member

    I have done pm advertising before. However when I do it I do not try to make it sound like my forum is the best there is. I tell the truth and say he you would be great for my forum *explain why here*.
  3. dynastygal

    dynastygal Regular Member

    Only pm advertising on a site there said there was no rule against it.
  4. Black Angel

    Black Angel Regular Member

    Nope, I run my forum much like the way I live my life.

    I wouldn't do anything to anyone that I wouldn't want done to me.
  5. Corza

    Corza Regular Member

    i've done none of those things if your fourm is to prosper u must earn it
  6. roughcut

    roughcut Regular Member

    Never done it but been subject to it on numerous occasions. I'm not adverse to it, just don't do it myself!
  7. Black Angel

    Black Angel Regular Member

    I've had this happen on my forum as well.. my members usually report it though..

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