I'll set one up as soon as the files have finished uploading. If you're going to set up a copy to start learning it, I would recommend starting with MyBB 1.4.x right now, as 1.6 is still in development
Please remember that MyBB 1.6 is still in development, in a pre-beta stage. The forum I set up is for novelty purposes only. Do not look for bugs at this point (as there is no way to report them); instead, explore some of the new features. I'll try my best to keep it up to date with the latest revisions, but I can't guarantee anything. Also, I have disabled a few things in the Admin CP (database backups, PHP info, etc.) for security purposes. Finally, I have used a script to load in some fake users, threads, and posts to fill up the forum a bit - you are free to post your own threads and posts. There are three accounts: demouser, demomod, and demoadmin The password for all three of these accounts is: demodemoDEMO Enjoy! http://bellomandesign.com/mybb/
Just tried it for a minute or two and seems pretty good I haven't tried to use MyBB in the past, but I'm going to have to look at it a little closer now Thanks for setting up the demo site Justin!
Justin, Thanks for setting this up. I've used MyBB as non-admin and it's quite appealing. I have to reiterate what Peggy said above.
The version number is always the last thing changed before release. If you look around the ACP, though, you'll find a number of things (thread prefixes, updated forum permissions management, multi-user actions, statistic graphs, etc.) that aren't present in MyBB 1.4.x.
I am definitely glad to have switched to myBB from SMF.Gosh It is for me so much nicer to work with. I would think that 1.6 would be available by late next year.Since there would be a lot of bugs and such to fix first.I assume myBB group already has a beta tester group ready to tackle the early stages of beta testing.Will there be any running report on it? Cheers for myBB!
I've reinstalled the test forum located at http://bellomandesign.com/mybb/ to use the latest 1.6 revision. The three accounts remain (demouser, demomod, demoadmin) with the same password (demodemoDEMO). I did not import fake users and posts this time; however, I have imported some fake statistics (actually, RCTgo's statistics) so the new Statistics page in the ACP can be properly demonstrated. I won't say much, but log into the Admin CP, navigate to Tools & Maintenance, and click on Statistics. It's a very nice new page. Enjoy.
ohh I love the browse themes tab :O (yei! I'm there! I think I'm gonna update that theme so it gives something better for beign the first page). Ohh drag+click I like the idea! I'll suggest something on the tracker (even though it's probably not gonna be made on this version ). Thanks Justin!
Now that MyBB 1.6 is feature-complete, I've reinstalled the forum again. It has the same users (demouser, demomod, demoadmin with password demodemoDEMO) and I have also imported RCTgo's statistics. As before, you can access it here: http://www.bellomandesign.com/mybb/
I just took a look-thru the adminCP, especially the Styles area. Could you please refresh my memory as to why this script is still free? I really like MyBB. Styling looks like it would be very easy. The .css' are grouped exactly the way I had thought (hoped) vB's would be. Very good job Justin.
Thank Ryan Gordon for the theme system in 1.4, as he wrote it. And it is really, really nice... I certainly love it.