Today MyBB announced the opening of the development site, giving users access to the current 1.4 and 1.6 development branches. The announcement: Getting Involved: Development site opens | MyBB Blog
Yes, users now have access to the 1.6 development branch. However, I'd like to remind you that 1.6 is unsupported and should not be used on production forums.
Yes, you are able to comment on new features. However, when using development code, the understanding must be that features and bug fixes may not be applied fully yet and that they may not have been tested by SQA yet. This applies to the 1.4.x development branch as well. The only supported releases of MyBB are announced, numbered releases available for download on the main website. Everything else is considered unsupported. Basically, the opening of the development site should not change how you run your production forums - it is for those users who wish to go beyond simply using the software and instead getting involved with the software. I hope that makes sense.
Maybe I'm blind or clueless, but I can't seem to figure out how to download 1.6. They say in the comments of the blog/news entry that the latest version is in the "trunk" of the repository. I see the files, but how do I download them?
I'm sure that Justin can shed some light on this situation, but I'm quite sure that the only method that can be used to access these files is by way of an SVN client.
Subversion, or SVN, is simply a way of managing a repository of code that allows several developers to work on the code at once without having to worry about conflicting changes. When developers commit their changes, the changes are simply applied to the repository - they don't have to worry about their changes being overwritten. You can also see the SVN Access article on the MyBB wiki for more information. In order to gain access to the repository, you need an SVN client. A short list is provided in the SVN access article. I personally recommend TortoiseSVN if you're using Windows; it tightly integrates with Windows Explorer and makes the process a lot easier. After installing it, you simply navigate to where you'd like to "checkout" the files in Windows Explorer (if you're doing this on a localhost, you can simply check it out there), right click, and select "SVN Checkout." From there, you enter the URL to the repository. The general MyBB repository is located at, however, if you only want the 1.6 trunk, enter instead. If you're only interested in 1.6, I'd personally recommend this; otherwise you'll be sitting for some time waiting for every MyBB release since PR2 to download as well. Press OK and let it begin! Once all of the files are downloaded, you should be all set. Then, as developers commit changes, you just need to right click in the folder where you checked out the repository to and select "SVN Update." That'll update all of the files that have changed since you last checked out. I hope that helps!
Sorry to bump an old thread, but has anyone gotten a personal test site set up? Just looking at my localhost copy now; some of the new features are really fantastic
I keep tabs on the dev site, I'm not sure how to download from svn so I best not touch it. I might mess up something, but uhh, I guess I'll try and make a 1.6 test site on SD.
I plan to set one up next week. Since any of my future projects will use MyBB, I'd like to get started learning it.