Well, I have muil.net sitting around my domain portfolio and would love to develop it into something, but, I just can't think of anything to do with it. I'm not sure what I want to do with it at all, other than make another forum with it. I want it to be like an acronym for something, preferably a life talk discussion. (really a general discussion I'm thinking) unless I can get some ideas on more specific niche topics. Please don't suggest a web masters forum, that's been suggested numerous times even after I've shot them down lol. I just have no desire to compete with forums with millions and millions of posts. Edit: I'm thinking Moving Up in Life
Right off the top of my head, what about: My Unusual Interesting Life? Could be a blog for yourself or a general chat forum with a slightly more focused niche, say, for extreme sport type people?
Lol that's a good idea too bad it took me ages to remember where this topic was And I forgot about the subscriptions in User CP lol. I decided to go with moving up in life and make it a general discussion forum that will focus on life itself and how to do better and "move up" The categories that are up are just basic start ones and will continue to grow as the need arises and the members shape the way it needs to be.