
Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by tech, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member


    Website URL

    Design247 - Free HTML Templates

    Website Name


    Launch Date

    September 19th - Re Designed on 24th October (completed)


    Design247 Offers free HTML Templates with top notch support for FREE!l

    Other Info/Points of Interest

    Template Portfolio - Design247 | Templates

    Free Support Help Desk and Live Chat - Design247 - Free HTML Templates (at bottom) Design247 Support (Helpdesk)

    Free Custom Template KB Article - Free Custom Templates
  2. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    :S ANOTHER design site with a pre-made template, those never end?
  3. tech

    tech Regular Member

    As ive basically just started doing templates etc, having a bad homepage wouldn't exactly look great.
  4. David

    David Regular Member

    Hope you like it rough!

    1. The design you're currently using, far out weighs the design work and talent then the ones you've released for free. Using a premade theme on a design site is tacky, unprofessional, and doesn't send a good message or let users take your work serious.

    I know you're just starting out, and it is better than you can currently design, but suck it up and use one of your own. It's a lot better motivator for you to improve your skills if you think your own sites design sucks.

    2. I'm throughly confused with all the "Jet Gaming Network" hoopla thats every where. Is it a design site, or a gaming promotion site?

    3. Donations module: I realize you're just starting out, but having a donation module always looks tacky and desperate. I suggest getting a few great free themes out on the market first, before advertising you need donations.

    4. Your navigation module has 3 links all pointing to the same place with simply different anchor text. Out of the 7 anchors for links there, there are only 3 different pages actually linked to. Repetitive a tad much.

    5. A design site, using a premade template is bad enough, but one using a premade template and a shoddy logo is the pits!

    6. Your "Search" doesn't work

    7. What I assume is a login area (top right) doesn't work.

    I realize you're just starting and hopefully this doesn't deter or retard your growth. Take the criticism for what its worth and improve on your site and design skills.

    Best of luck

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