Dedicated Vs VPS

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by NotoriousMK, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. NotoriousMK

    NotoriousMK Regular Member

    So...I've been using a dedicated server for some years's an okay server for 120$ a month but with the constant drop of income :) It hurts to let it go so I'm really to cut down to a VPS..which is half the price but I'm only concerned with how bad it will be with my VB4....

    Anyone made that type of switch? Advise?

  2. Ebrain Night

    Ebrain Night Regular Member

    Dedicated server has many features comparison to VPS, but it is good enough for your VB4. You may face some minor issues but I think you can manage that.
  3. Yanz

    Yanz Regular Member

    Yeah, it would be perfectly fine provided that the VPS has good specs and is from a reliable host.
  4. bosconian

    bosconian Regular Member

    I don't see why you should run into trouble if you make the switch to VPS. If the specs you get are good enough your forum should be fine.

    Dedicated is better than VPS because you know you are the only one using the server resources but with VPS you can run pretty much the same with significantly less money.
  5. andyred

    andyred Regular Member

    What's your Specs on your Dedicated vs the VPS Plan your thinking of getting?

    Also, what's your overall traffic like?

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