Dear Copy Cat...

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by BabyDesigner, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. oldlock

    oldlock Newcomer

    I'm not mad, just a little irritated by the amount of whining going on and the comments the OP is directing at my wife (who has nothing to do with the technical side).

    As stated above, if we were copying posts / original intellectual property etc then yes the OP would have cause for complaint :confused:
  2. torque

    torque Regular Member

    So question for you why is it everytime BD puts something new on her site within 48 hours you have added it to yours? Are you guys watching her site to see what she does and then replicate it?
  3. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    @ AkWorm No, actually when it comes to content it really depends on the dates posted which will bring the "impression" of some one copying.

    By you pointing that out, Ak, you're not doing well to the situation, pretty much you're fueling the fire.

    Either way; a person might get sketchy when they see their competitor make a move and more if the "move" is pretty much the same as them. i.e.: Meg got vB and then Oldlock got vB for what ever reason. That alone leads a person to believe you might be trying to "copy" from them.

    First of all, OldLock, it's pretty insulting what you said about "Quality over quantity" 'cause truthfully, her forum has a lot of useful information, and hell, you would be pissed if someone said that your quality is bad when it comes to the content, no? I'm not saying you said that, the statement you made did.

    And Meg, just worry about your site, keep doing what you're doing, what ever you're doing.
  4. oldlock

    oldlock Newcomer

    That is not the case. After all, we had the arcade and other mods before her. I have been working my way steadily though the list of mods on selecting those that are of interest and adding them. The OP seems to have this gripe about design & mods - but seeing that the list of mods that one would use on sites is quite short it is quite reasonable that the same ones would be used eventually.

    As to the new site we are just putting up it's hardly surprising that all the mods have appeared at once - it is a new site after all.
  5. torque

    torque Regular Member

    yeah just coincident timing i guess that she puts something up and within 24-48 hours you have installed it despite some being on page 48 of meaning if your going through the list on that is a big jump.
  6. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    You're more than right. SPECIALLY when it's the same niche. It's just frustrating for a forum owner to see a competing site with the same features.

    @Meg & @OldLock: Have you guys thought of a custom design? This would relieve some of the "paranoia" from both sides. A custom design can never go wrong in setting forums apart.
  7. oldlock

    oldlock Newcomer

    I have, and have PM'd Peggy (and others) about this already, my concern being the porting of any custom design made now over to VB4.
  8. BabyDesigner

    BabyDesigner Adept

    I am more than happy with my design, I have even edited quite a bit of it myself, not that many would notice lol.

    But like merk_aus said, what Im upset about is the fact that every mod I install, pops up on the other forum, IN THE EXACT ORDER I install it. Doesnt that scream copying? I dont think Im paranoid, Im quite confident in what Im doing.

    Besides, Im not even the slightest upset about the new forum, its new, of course it will have all the new mods and such. OK yes maybe a little bit upset that you 'stole' a moderator, but I trust her and she has a lot of content that would be very beneficial to your new forum.

    Any way, Ive had my vent, and what ever else I have to say Id rather keep it off the forum.
  9. BabyDesigner

    BabyDesigner Adept

    One last thing though, It would be good to have an answer to the question that has been asked multiple times which is still left unanswered.

  10. torque

    torque Regular Member

    I would like the same question answered which is why I asked it haha... I noticed though he continues to ignore it when all I want to know is whether he is watching your site and then hunting for the same mods deliberately when you add a new one.

    I mean some of the mods you have on your site are on pages 40+ at and if he is going through looking for mods to add to his site - going through the list - why does he jump from page 1 to 10 to 4 to 25 to 40+ etc just to coincidently come up with exactly the same mod.

    Doesn't sound like going through all the mods at to find ones that suit his site! lol
  11. BabyDesigner

    BabyDesigner Adept

    I know that they are on my forum at least once daily ;) IP addresses are amazing theres my answer to one of your questions.
  12. oldlock

    oldlock Newcomer

    That would be interesting indeed. Especially as our IP address is dynamic, not fixed ...
  13. oldlock

    oldlock Newcomer

    Never seen that nifty little feature on VB where you can sort MOD's according to version of VB and popularity and rating ?
  14. oldlock

    oldlock Newcomer

    No, and it takes me a lot less than 48 hours to add any mod to any site :), so if I were sitting there watching her site with baited breath and then rushing to VB to download the mod and install it I guess I could have it done in 3 minutes 13.2 seconds. Give me a break :doh:
  15. BabyDesigner

    BabyDesigner Adept

    Quite possibly dynamic, but its not hard to tell whos who when you have a whole list of a persons ip addresses, and a good ip locator on hand if in doubt. So yeah, maybe different, but not entirely different to the point i couldn't recognise.
  16. torque

    torque Regular Member

    yeah but i can understand BD's arguement i mean looking at both websites you can easily see that mods were copied shortly after they were added to her forum.

    But really don't think there is much more to discuss - your just going to claim that you got it from ad your well within your rights (which you are just like anyone else) just a big coincidence it is always the same mod after one of your competitors BD has installed it on her forums.

    Really in all honesty you guys should be concentrating on improving your site and being one step ahead of BD rather than just copying everything she does!

    We all work hard to organize our communities and it annoys me, as it annoys others, as it has annoyed BD that we do the work finding out what members want, what they need, what would be good for the community just to have our ideas immediately ripped off by a competitor!
  17. oldlock

    oldlock Newcomer

    There I would agree with you, I've never considered this topic worthy of discussion, I merely made my point of view following the OP's comments made here (and elsewhere).
  18. Mikey


    This has gone way off topic and has turned into a rage/hate/flame thread...
  19. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Yes, and we're not going to have it continue on in such a manner. Keep this clean and civilized, please.
  20. torque

    torque Regular Member

    not really it's people sharing their views on competitors copying absolutely everything someone does.

    I have tried to point out that it is understandable for someone to be upset when their competitors troll their sites looking for any changes and then run off and install them.

    BD never mentioned what website she directed the post at she was merely venting, which those of us who have had everyone of our ideas stolen tend to do and oldlock has come in here trying to defend them trolling BD's website and copying everyone of her ideas because they cant come up with anything on their own.

    He refuses to answer questions - such as how long him and his wife troll BD's site looking for ideas - and instead goes on the defensive and tries to nit pick everything everyone says - which is the only off topic posts in this thread.

    I find it appauling for ANYONE to troll a competitors site and copy everything they do when really they should be thinking of ideas to go one up against their competitors.

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