Hi, I need a new set of ranks for my IPB board (game board). Type of Graphic : .png - Ranks (Founder, Administrator, Super Moderator, Moderator, Vip Member, ACI Member, Guest, Coder, Staff, Designer, Validating, Banned. Colors: Black or/and dark grey Text Preference: Text color white Specific Images to be included: Stars or awards (left of the text) Size (in pixels): 101x23 Payment/Offer in return (if applicable): Paypal (let me know) Any other details or specifications: Need the .psd & font My Board
I'm not home(I'm at Borders), and I don't know if my lights are back on(They were off and that's why we left out house), but if they are (and if you can wait a bit) I can take a stab at this.
Oh yeah, I have a question, do you want them all black/gray with white font color? Or the stars/awards with different colors?
Well, I went to your site and saw what you had and I tried to make something nicer but similar. Preview below.
Excellent work FMB. I really like the fonts used in these ranks. You know what I'm going to ask next don't you?
PF Arma Five http://www.pinvoke.com/font/ The first set called Arma Five Fonts, they have pretty pixel fonts and you are free to use them personal or commercially.
Thanks FMB much appreciated. You've helped alot that will help me on a fairly big graphical project I'm about to embark on.
Mood Icons. I'll be posting a very early preview shortly on my site later though the end results will most probably differ greatly.