I made a small image in the paint program to use as my avatar. I've tried saving the thing to a disc, but when I go to open it, it says that it's an incorrect file name! (no, I did not make a typo, I double checked that) Well, it also turns out that it's a bitmap file, rather than the GIF and JPG allowed here. My main question is, how do you get custom avatars? I try getting them of websites, but the images are too big. Also, how do you resize them if they're too big? I'd appreciate your help!
Good luck-I had trouble too. No matter how small I made my pic, it kept saying, "Image too big, or wrong size", something like that. Anyone can help me as well, that would be great.
You can both send your pics of choice to me, and I'll see if they can be made into an avatar in any way.. That goes for anyone who needs optimizing/resizing done on images... [email protected] Thanky, Spanky!
If you need someone to do stuff like this for you Alien so you can focus on the bigger things then I am willing to lend a hand.
I try sending the image, but when I copy it, it's not able to paste (the "paste" function won't come up in that drop-down list you get after you copy, and then you right click)
Instead of paste it, you will have to attach it. If you arn't sure how, look for a paper clip icon or a button saying attach, click it, then click browse and locate where your picture is and attach it. If you still arn't sre how to attach it you can ask me on MSN and I will talk you through it or you can send it to me through MSN and I can make the file size smaller. MSN: [email protected]