Hello. What is that thing at the top of the forum where is shows recent discussions and members avatars? Is it an addon?
I would guess so as it's certainly not stock IPB but I have do say I'm not keen on it. The current style here (which I do like generally) can be a bit tricky to read and this addon just makes for a cluttered look...I'm sad to say. The basic concept is fine though, it just needs "tidying up".
It is an addon and it can be turned off on a per user basis. Just head into the user settings and at the bottom left is the link to the settings group to turn it off.
It's handy for checking out the latest topics, I've been using the right-side thread listing to do that since seeing it used here. I use the default IPB theme myself, not keen on the other one so can't comment what it looks like in that. If you have the option to reduce "height size", show less avatars and topics displayed in it. I'd probably reduce it by half. Cut the height down to half of what it is now. But don't think it looks bad or anything as it is.
I love the addon. It makes the front page more colorful with a glimse of members and updated topics. From the looks of it, the addon author is steadily supporting it. I use the default theme when logged in. However, the white theme is very nice...just not good on my eyes when there's lack of sleep involved.