Does anyone know a rough estimate for what is an industry average, or a good CTR to aim for? Obviously not based on any data that would violate an AdSense TOS.
There's no real average, a normal CTR could be anything from 0.5% - 10% CTR. Anything over 5% I would consider good. I have a really well performing site that is a specific niche and is 40% CTR.
there maybe some good ones, if you check out Cash Juke it has a lot of different ideas such as affiliate sites and sites that are offering money when you sign up. so i have would have to say that you check out that site to get ideas...
CTR of google is really hard to understand sometimes it goes up and then it goes down.. theres really no specific CTR
that is true varies from niche to niche as there is never any set amount for each niche as things change pretty much on a daily basis...
try to change your content near from the ads.... coz it will change.. and then try to see if your CTR will rise... if yes then leave it that way... it works for me...