The backgrounds on twitter are ''stuck'' there and when you scroll down the content scrolls but the background doesnt, how do you do this in CSS? Thanks
Lol, it can be put in one line to make it more simple. background: url(image) top left fixed no-repeat;
Thanks everyone, ganno try putting a game or picture on the background of JetGaming to make it even more gamier (if thats a word)... What would the recommended size be?
check the analytics of your forum to see what resolutions most people are using I guess it really depends on the layout of your site though.. static or fixed, etc
=\ A logo shouldn't be bigger than 900px, it could be a bit too big, I try to keep mines at 600-700 px unless I intend to put many images.
Just add; background-repeat: repeat; So you have; background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: repeat; Or if you have it in one line like FMB said, then; background: url(bgimage.gif) top left fixed repeat;
I should add if you want it to repeat horizontally ONLY you could add: background: url(bgimage.gif) top left fixed repeat-x; Or vertically ONLY background: url(bgimage.gif) top left fixed repeat-y;
what about css code to autofit bg different screen size?? i heard css3 support stretching bg to fit screen but browsers not supported....