I am looking for a new project to create something that I haven't really done before and still interestes me. But I have no idea of what the new community could be about. Will probobly come up with something but maybe people here can throw in some ideas. I am very interested in movies and tv but I have already created such a forum in the past and I sold it.
My biggest recommendation is to create a forum about something you know about and have an interest in posting about. These days broad topics already have established forums so it's hard to do well with those, but maybe a specific forum (favorite TV show?) might have more of a chance. -Raymond
Yea I have one of an specific show but don't want anymore I want an community that can be about something that can live like forever if its about an specific show the forum will just die when the show is finnished.
You could make an entertainment forum for music, movies, and television. It would more or less turn into an off-topic forum, though. And you said you had one and sold it, so I don't know.
Yes I had one entertainment forum for music, movies and television most for movies and television and it got pretty big and I sold it to the wrong person who sold it pretty soon after he bought it to another one who he gave the domains to and never got paid so the site was screwed and is closed down. But entertainment forum have so many sites for it already.
It's true; it is a hard niche to get into. However, I think the majority of things you can think of will have already been done many times. Unless you go with something extremely specific, it most likely already has a good forum. Nothing you want to hear, I know.
Yes I know that but some stuff have less sites about it and some have more sites. And its not that its hard with entertainment that I don't want to do it just that I have already done it.
Not so many that I really enjoy talking much about. Atleast not that I can think of right now. It could be an Off Topic forum but that is to many sites that goes with it already. Maybe I should try Entertainment again.
Just a suggestion, but... If you are going to stick with the entertainment forum idea, you may want to narrow it down to something more specific - rather than creating a forum based around movies, TV, and music (which is a bit broad), why not select a specific topic from within those three categories?
Yea but I can't really choose that since I love movies and tv and want about both if I want one. The music is the part I could leave.
I was thinking, you could do both movies and television, all integrated into one forum. You could have movies.(domainhere.).com and tv.(domainhere).com - or something, Then on the navigation bar, you can have movies and television which will redirect them to the other part of the site. This could work and generally, is not currently being put into use. Originality is key.
That is an good idea but how did you think you mean i should have 1 software installed and just have the different categories at thoose domains or do you mean i should have 2 software installed with the same userbase?
I don't understand your question... You can have one software. The two places will be at one site, just placed on different pages, see what I mean? Like for example, you have Bird is the Word and then Bird is the Word (Forum) For you, it will be <insert one page here> then <insert other page here> - get it?
Yes but you meant that the forums for tv should be on tv.mydomain.com and movie forums on movies.mydomain.com or did you mean that if i would have other content then just the forums then it would be on thoose domains? and the main forum on mydomain.com?? I am a little tired so sorry if I am slow.
Well I didn't fully understood what you meant either but if we are lucky then someone will come and clear it up for both of us :p
I was saying you could have both a Movies and Television board using one forum software under one domain. For movies, you would use movies.domainname.com and for television, you will use television.domainname.com... You could use one forum software. As I used as an example; both parts of the site will just be different pages. So users who would like to talk about movies can go to Movies and those wanting to talk about Television could go to television. Both links can be placed on a navigation bar, etc. A little more clearer, now?