cPanel vs Others

Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by Kaiser, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I dont know about others but if I am going to use a host they must offer cPanel as their control panel. Many hosts now offer their own custom control panel which all of them are pretty bad. Would you rather have a a custom control panel offered by your host or you rather have cPanel?

    cPanel is the best and the most common easy to use Control panel for web host clients. Its pretty easy to adjust to, if you never used cPanel before it wont be hard for you to get used to. So what are your thoughts on cPanel and other Control Panels?
  2. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Cpanel is the only one I've ever used, and while I am confused with some features, I like it otherwise. I have briefly tried others like, there was one I think it was called DirectAdmin or PHPDirect Admin or something like that, and those were way too hard to understand. I still get very confused with Cpanel, which is why I have a tech administrator, but if I had to use it on my own, I wouldn't go to anything else. Cpanel is one of the most recognized Administration panels by 90% of hosting companies, so it's no wonder it's well known!
  3. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    cPanels wins hands down every time
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
  4. Techie

    Techie Regular Member

    I don't think it really matters what control panel it is if it can do everything. You don't spend that much time in it anyway. It's just if you want to upgrade your PHP or databases or something or view logs. cPanel is good but my host has their own custom control panel and it's usable. It's not anything to complain about.
  5. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    That makes sense. Plus, the only other time you'd be using the Cpanel is if you're installing or uninstalling Mods. So that actually makes perfect sense.
  6. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I agree with you but its personal preference and most people prefer cPanel.
  7. Shade

    Shade Regular Member

    cpanel is the most secure control panel if implemented right
    ive used

    but cpanel is my favorite out of all of them
  8. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I would place directadmin second to cPanel.
  9. Shade

    Shade Regular Member

    yeah its pretty easy to use and has pretty good security compared to the others
  10. el canadiano

    el canadiano Regular Member

    Of all the ones I've used, I actually prefer DirectAdmin to cPanel. DirectAdmin's Reseller and Admin-level is integrated with the regular level rather than having a WHM. cPanel's code editor actually freezes my computer very often as well, and a few things are buggy (such as hitting delete always prompting if you want a file deleted). Also, from a webhost's perspective, cPanel is ridiculously more expensive than any other option.
  11. Shade

    Shade Regular Member

    yeah somethings work better for different people, but its not much more expensive you can buy a cpanel license for vps for $13 a month and what many webhosts do is create a vps allocated with all the resources of the server so that they don't have to pay $35 to save money
  12. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    You have to do your shopping very carefully when looking for VPS/dedicated servers with cPanel, my provider for example offers cPanel free with their VPS's but as you've said, others will charge $13 for a VPS and then double that for a dedicated server, which I think is a tad expensive compared to others.
  13. Shade

    Shade Regular Member

    you read my post wrong :/

    I said some hosts that are still relatively small will create a vps allocated with all of the resources of the entire server and use the vps license to save money rather then buying the dedicated server version
  14. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    oh sorry, my mistake [​IMG] either way, when searching for a server provider, you should compare prices from them as the NOCs generally can sell it cheaper than the pricing at cPanel, some hosts take advantage of this and offer licenses cheaper with your server, where as others will just swallow up your money and make more profit [​IMG]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
  15. Shade

    Shade Regular Member

    honestly IMO you don't need cpanel on a vps unless you are selling hosting, if its for your own site the safest method is to ssh everything without a control panel. Or if you have to you can use a free panel like kloxxo to get everything setup
    but if you don't know how to ssh stuff then you really shouldn't be using a vps at least unmanaged
  16. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    I've used others but tbh, I like cPanel :)
  17. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Personally to be honest, Cpanel hands down. I've tried others but I don't like them.
  18. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    why don't you like the others?
  19. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Cpanel is just easier to use for me.
  20. zZJoennZz

    zZJoennZz Regular Member

    I used Vista Panel but it's pretty hard to use anyway, I mostly use cPanel

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