Continuous fresh content

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Nick, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Do you continuously keep your site updated with fresh (new) content? Perhaps on a daily or weekly basis? I don't mean just creating new threads, but more in-depth things like weekly updates, or weekly articles and such.

    If so, what do you do when you're just not up to consistently keeping up with this content? What if you run out of ideas for the content you produce?

    I've tried on more than just one of my forums to keep ongoing content delivery, but I almost always fail. It's hard to find the time to keep up with the production of content, but also to make sure it's of good enough quality and will interest your readers.

    What's your experience with constant publishing of unique content?
  2. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    im no good at keeping adding new content, as i cant seem to think of new things to write about each time, although the way new things get added, is asking my friend, who is very knowledgable on the subject, to help me out with things.
  3. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    This has to be one of the toughest tasks of any site administrator, and one of the reasons I took my biggest forum to a blog, so that I could do a LOT of that through RSS.

    I hate, hate, hate being the only one to create fresh content, but as an admin it's kind of our job to do so. If we don't, then the site just never goes as we want it to, and dies a horrible death.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    It is a good idea to keep adding fresh content to your site, but I think a lot depends also on what you add. By that I mean, is it meaningless dribble, or useful content that serves a purpose?

    For example; it's easy for me to add new useful content on my Blog because there are always new movies being released, and it's "useful" because it serves as a reference for other people to visit and read to see if they like the look of a new or old movie listed there (it all serves a purpose).

    The problem with forums is it's hard to post "useful content", most of the time it is just "meaningless content" about things that serves no real purpose at all. It's not informative and could be classed being just general chat.

    So yes, I do agree that adding useful content on a forum is hard. Usually it can only be done by adding informative articles I'd say for the most. Like telling you how to do (this and that) in them e.t.c.

    This was part of the reason why I stopped running a forum and turned back towards covering my real hobby of watching good movies and cataloguing some to read about that I feel are the pick of the bunch.
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I always try to add new content to the site, as for the source it would depend on your topic.

    Let's use an example, say I have a site on national league baseball. I would google "baseball news" and see what's being talked about.
    I also like using google trends Google Trends to see what's actually being talked about around the web today, and adjust my "new content" accordingly.
    2 people like this.
  6. 50calray

    50calray Grand Master

    I hear ya,

    Anyhow, I spend a great deal of my time searching for fresh content which can be challenging.

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