Contest Idea

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Chani, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    I'm running a contest on my new forum when I decide that everything is ready (almost there now).

    Basically, the top referrer between the date that I open and exactly one month later wins.

    Prize? $200 Pre-Paid Credit Card.

    This forum covers at least four niches, all related to each other, but a person in one niche wouldn't necessarily want what someone in one of the other niches would want, so one of my mods suggested a pre-paid credit card.

    I love it!

    I hope to run a lot of contests on this board. :)
  2. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    This sounds like a great idea -- but you may not be pleased with the results.

    Many new members may join by referral, but it becomes tedious to check for cheating, and although you may get a ton of new registrations, they may not necessarily post often or at all... in which case, a bunch of new members aren't very beneficial other than for statistical purposes.
  3. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Great idea Chani and I'd have to concur w/ Nick, if indeed the premise is to have genuine members.

    Some level of setting them apart? Like post count or something to show interest activity? You say 4 niches, additional Social Group to join for them?

    Just tossing in ways if that is important to you on this.

    Super thumbs up on the progress.
  4. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    I think I may need to modify it slightly to include that the referred members must have at least 10 posts the day after this contest ends. :)
  5. Noles

    Noles Adept

    This is basically what I did with my referral contest and it worked great. For $200 I might even go up slightly higher than 10 if I was you. :D

    Just for extra precautions, I'd be sure the members that are being referred are also making topics/posts that are more than just a few words.

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