I play a lot of console based video games, especially on Xbox or PS3 so I thought I would start a forum for any like minded console gamers. I've just installed a custom style created for us which I think looks really good, comments welcome. All we need now are some members, link in sig or just below ConsoleVideoGamer
That theme is unbelievable, suits the sites genre and is great to use aswell may i ask where you got it from or did you make it yourself + the banner is brilliant good job!
Wow... Just wow. You can tell you've put a lot of work into it and the theme and logo is great and look at that post count already! I particularly love your domain, you thought about it well so it will cover all consoles and any new ones in the future rather than limiting it to one type or brand. Best of luck!
Style was created by http://pixelexit.com/, great guys to work with. Really wish I was talented enough to create things myself, sadly not.
As a hardcore gamer myself, I find your form compelling and intriguing. You have done a very good job with it. I for one am going to sign up to see whether I like it there or not.
I'll have to check your forum out. I bookmarked it for later when I have the time. I am obsessed with video games so I will probably frequent your forum a lot though I might not use this same user name. You are in for a challenge as there are plenty of video game forums on the web.
Recently launched a competition on the site. Win a downlod code for the Avengers: Age of Ultron Pinball FX2 table on the Xbox One.