Now I am not one to complain LOL But everytime I come to the site now and click new posts, even like just coming to the site. It says i have to wait 15 seconds between searches. But I didnt make a search LOL Oh and I am now getting it for posts too 15 seconds between posts. But I didnt make a post yet. LOL You punking me?
Yeah I have gotten it more than once. So, ummm Brandon, when was the last time you repaired and optimized tables .. Just wondering
hmm, I'll take a look but since it doesn't happen to me, it's hard to troubleshoot it I've knocked the required time before searches to 10 seconds.
I'm not sure about the exact vB issue behind it. But are you set to be automatically logged in? Caleb
Well, I would imagine its something to do with whatever plugin your using to call the amount of unread posts in the little box up there on the left. Account Info. That plugin must be having some problems. I guess its somehow registering as a search and then when you click it the board says, you have to wait, because just coming to the page counted as a search. But hey thats just my guess ..
Nope- I log in manually each time I come here. I once had problems when I set myself to be logged in automatically when I was part of Aliensoup before the merge.
I don't see how that plugin would cause any problems, it calls to the getnew action from search, it's the same thing as clicking "new post" AFAIK
Dunno, but I get the error message every time I hit unread posts links and have to wait. Its no big deal, but just thought I would let you know man.
LMAO No I am not. When I load the site up, I hit it I get 10 second wait message. Then I wait and I hit it and go to a post..And about a minute later hit again and 10 second wait..
Well like I said, I do not have that problem so it's hard to troubleshoot it. I can disable that plugin if u think that's causing the problem.
Its fine, though I was just wondering if anyone else have the same thing. And seems its not only me, so I am not crazy. But no its ok, I can wait 10 seconds LOL
I've disabled that mod, although I'm certain it's not related let me know if that helps I'll try something here moving back to the default style is that better? do you still get the search notification?
I am not getting it at all anymore, so whatever you did I believe that corrected the problem. I wonder why you weren't getting it though, that tis a little odd.. UPDATE Nevermind..I am still getting it Who knows what I did but I swear I didnt break anything