So I did a quick search here and looked at a few posts that have helped me a small amount. But I am still not sure exactly how to beat my competition. Let me start with a small story: Back about a year ago I found a forum that was all about Airsoft in my area. I was thrilled because there where no forums like that at the time. I joined and told people who I was and what I was. Immediately I was already getting bashed because I was the co-leader of a team that has an extremely good reputation for winning. My into post was bashed and I was told that I was not welcome and all the rest. I let all of that slide because I knew it most likely also had to do with the fact that I lived in the city and they all lived in the boonies. (Georgia has a very interesting population). As I was posting on the forums, I all of a sudden would be banned for no reason day after day after day. Then finally, after I submitted a long post telling the admin how stupid he was for banning someone for no reason, he banned me for life from the forums. (Something that had never been done to me, I have never even been warned on a forum before!!!) In spite, I created my own forum, which was an instant success to all of the members of the city. I got about 100 members in just 2 months, and now I have 150 in 4 months. But, I am not reaching his user base. I have done what all of the posts here have said: I look at their forum to compare stats, I have a better design, more friendly users, better layout, actually on a .COM rather then a free host, but I still cannot reach his users. There is a large gap between us now. He comes on my forum and posts every once in a while, and I allow this because I actually care more about the sport having a good name and gaining a good rep then risking it all because of a forum. I am open to whatever tips of strategies you all may have, if this thread is not appropriate, please feel free to delete it. Here is my forum: Peach State Airsoft Board Competition: Free forum : Metro Atlanta Airsoft The difference is pretty obvious at first glance. Thanks, //Gibbs
I have just took a quick look at his keywords and the one that he tops google for is "Metro Atlanta Airsoft", youre underneath him at least on I suggest building more link backs with the anchor text "Metro Atlanta Airsoft" for example on your signature use that linking to your forums homepage aswell adding that to your forums keywords. Maybe also use "Airsoft Atlanta" in both your keywords, body text of the forums homepage and anchor texts in linkbacks as this gets more searches per month than Metro Atlanta Airsoft meaning more traffic if you get indexed well for it.
I don't think that I am having to play "catch up". I have different types of content, and some of the same. But I don't think that I am behind him in any way. He has actually copied me on a few things. I noticed after my site started to get attention, that his site started to change and started to look more and more like my own. Sweeks, how would I do what you are talking about? With the link backs and anchors?
You=pwn, them=suck, I hate their style, it makes me feel ashamed of the person who made that style available to people's eyes, it's a sin.
I would honestly say not to worry too much about your competitor site. They're not really much more active in terms of members than your site, they're on free forum hosting and your forum looks honestly like it might get more day to day activity than their forum. Think about it. 150 in 4 months. It probably won't take any time at all to over take that forum in stats. Nice style too, which is definitely way beyond that of your competition. Basically, work on the last bit of SEO everyone else advised, and you won't take any time at all to have overtaken their forum. Think about it, your board was set up in April 2009, theirs in December 2008. Your site has been around half the time, and you're doing nearly as well as they are. I wouldn't say that's not exactly reaching their userbase
I consult you guys before I even consider this. I know that this guy has many users that are under the age of 13, and he does not use COPPA. Too mean? Remember, I hate this forum with a burning passion, but I do have limits to what I will do. I only suggest this because of the way that I was treated before on those forums.
Nah, leave him. You wouldn't want such users to then run off and join your forum, which is what would happen if his board closed.
The wheels of the universe grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine. Don't worry about it; you will win this simply by having the superior site. Let him post all he wants, it's only serving to underscore the difference between your two sites.
Mistake #1: Never, ever submit a long post calling an admin "stupid". Common sense there, you know you're going to get banned, and your "post" will dissapear. So much for your time to write that post. That's not bad numbers, but are they active. What do you do that distinguishes yourself from him, aside from being on a paid host, and (hopefully) using better software, and (again, hopefully) coming off with a better attitude. Have you put out some sort of mod that helps you reach members? That would be the best way to start. Which shows you're the better man (or woman). Keep an eye on his posts, because you know they won't always be friendly. When they're not, don't berate him publicly, just delete them, and if he asks, give a brief answer and lock the thread. Of course, if he violates rules, you need to take care of that, but, play nice and he'll probably be in awe. Find something HE doesn't have (and can't have, as he's on a free forum), and add it to yours, just to annoy him. Since you're doing it all out of spite anyways, that's the best way to get even. That'll bring his users over, and his members. If you find a NUMBER of things that would be appropriate, even better! Good luck
This, Slow and steady wins the race. Do a search for post by Kevin. I can' recall the thread but Kevin talks about over taking his competitor. It took Kevin 3 years to do it but he did it. He's probably off hiking some where but maybe he'll post up with some tips later.