Does anybody actually use CommunitySEO? Is it to IP.Board as vBSEO is to vBulletin? If you do use it, how good is it?
They don't have a working version for 3.0 out yet its currently in Alpha and the support seems shaky there at best. Seems to be a one man show there so i'm not sure how long it will be before a working 3.0 compatible version is out to test. The fURL's in IPB are weird, and extremely hard to customize.
vBSEO is about the only reason I am dragging my feet with respect to converting over to IPB. I had some communication with Andy yesterday and we're thinking it might be time for some current license holders to start pestering Juan & Co. about branching out again.
It would be awesome if vBSEO put their work into an IP.Board-compatible product. I think it would ease the decision-making process quite substantially, as lot of vBulletin customers are attached to vBSEO.
Maybe the IPB customer base isn't large enough to warrant the development of a Crawlability SEO script. I have no idea. I know a handful of vB admins have reluctantly moved to IPB, not wanting to give up vBSEO advantages. I tried all the optimization tricks on my sites and had moderate success, but it was vBSEO that made the biggest differences for me. And I really don't want to leave that laying on the table.
Believe me, I hear you. Feel free to comment on this thread I raised from the dead on the vBSEO forums. Maybe if enough people show interest, they will give it a bit more consideration. Thanks Kakeru. An old dog like myself is already conflicted with making the change to a completely new forum platform. When I think about having to learn the ins and outs of a new SEO script as well...