I think this answers your question http://admin-talk.com/threads/community-showcase-guidelines-please-read.4/
It says one thread per forum, but just wanted to make sure I can promote more as it doesn't stipulate.
I think as long as you have a forum on the site, you should be good. I'll have to look over the guideline, maybe we can open another section later on for "other sites" or non-forums.
One completely different domain/site = one thread for each domain/site no problems what so ever Same domain/site, but different threads (e.g. one for the forum, one for the blog, one for the arcade arcade, etc.) = not allowed hope that clears it up for you
Let me elaborate. One thread per forum means this: I own both CODForums, and MVC3Forum: http://www.admin-talk.com /threads/codforums-call-of-duty-forums.1872/ http://www.admin-talk.com /threads/marvel-vs-capcom-3-forum.692/ No warnings, no ban. You can rest easy now.
Everything would be perfectly clear if Brandon hadn't said that, he doesn't appear to agree you. So although its a great explaination ill wait for Brandon to reply again.
They probably need to be slightly revised as they were originally designed for forums but website and blog promotion is also welcome as long as it is only one thread per site/domain
I'm pretty clear on the guidelines but I think the forum should be a prominent part of the site, in which case the plusex site shouldn't be listed since the forum seems to be an afterthought of the whole site. As I said, I'll look over the guidelines when I get time and we can make something work for everyone.
Ok, i'll wait to hear. To be honest, when I posted PluxEx, it didn't have a forum at all. My other sites are blogs, a CV/Resume creation site and a blog directory.
that is fine as long as they all have their own domains and you stick to one thread per site. I've been here long enough to know what is allowed and what is not allowed within the advertising guidelines, they just need tweaking for better clarification, that's all