OK, does anyone else have problems with the "new posts" icons on the front page all being lit up even if there aren't new posts? I've already been here, left, and come back (had to reboot my system), and the same thing...
vB uses a time out system, not a straight cookie system like UBB. When you are done checking all the posts you might want to click the "mark all read" link at the bottom of the main page. That way the next time you come back it will show only the new posts.
Well aren't YOU Mr. vB... :p :p :p :p Seriously, thanks for the help... that did work. Now, why did all the text in my reply box disappear when I clicked on the tongue smiley? I had to hit "preview" to get it to show up again... The journey never ends...
Works for me :p I am guessing it could be a problem with your browser... what are you using? Software and Version?
I put a temporary link on the bottom of the forums main page... Once the new MAIN website is live, there will be a direct login form for the e-mail.