
Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by Nick, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    So I have hardly been checking the CometChat website because it was stagnant and seemed almost abandoned.

    I checked back today and it's all changed and updated - it looks nice!

    They now use IP.Board for their forum and documentation, they have revamped the purchasing steps, have improved the license system, and have integrated all of it into a single sign-in.

    Also, 1.5 seems to have been updated/released. Last I heard, there were security risks with it. Does anybody know if those have been resolved or what?

    They are also introducing integrations for several other scripts and platforms:
  2. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Just seen it before too :D It looks very nice.

    I would say the security issues are still there in 1.5 as you can rename a php file to gif and upload that directly to the server and im sure thats still a big risk as the script only checks the extension and not if it is an image like how I think vbulletin checks although I may be mistaken. Best thing to do is turn it off in the config and remove that plugs files.

    We have it installed and like it other than the file transfer shenanigans.
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Can't you disable or skip the file transfer plugin? I figure that's probably the safest thing to do if it's even possible. :shrug:
  4. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    In the new config theres a part that says something like $plugins = 'filetransfer','clearchat'. I would just remove the filetransfer one to disable it and also the filetransfer folder in the plugins folder.

    The chat rooms I must add are really crap to be honest. No one bothers with them enough as the icons on the bar and not many take notice of the icons on it, at least not on our forums. However that can be disabled too removing the icons line.
  5. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Well I'm going to upgrade here in a bit, and we'll see how it goes. :)
  6. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Are avatars in the db or filesystem? If theyre in the db then avatars will be easy to get working right away but if in the filesystem theres a fix on their forums for it :) Good luck!
  7. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    The chat is gone now. :shifty:
  8. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    AA has just been upgraded to CometChat. It has some neat new features and touches, and chatrooms too. :)
  9. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Oooh, nice to see this one is out :) Goes to upgrade haha!
  10. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    Ahh...I just noticed that the CometChat was upgraded! :)

    I'm going to have to go update ours at in the next few days ;)
  11. Michael

    Michael Regular Member


    Have you seen them new add ons theyre charging for at I cant believe theyre actually charging to give you the edited code to go from almost full width to 100% width of the bar. Fair enough the AV chat being whatever price when its out but for simple tweaks surely these should be free.
  12. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Have to be hionest, I can't stand chat addons and shoutboxes in forums and I never use them, neither as an adminstrator nor as an end user.

    Also, Comet Chat just makes me think of the Comet Cursor. I know the two are unrelated but it's an unwelcome connotation nonetheless.
  13. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    I honestly think it depends on the niche whether a having a chats a good idea. With teens most of them like chatting so you would think having a chat on your forum would sound like a good idea but for us it wasnt, we seen activity drop well and truly and now its gone temporarily until we decide what to do with it.

    If you have a forum and the chat compliments it nicely then fair enough but when you have a forum and the chat ends up becoming its focus it needs the chop.

    I have used cometchat on here to chat to a few people but on our forum I never spoke to a member once through it so as far as me using it, yeah it was useless.
  14. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    i think its good, very useful for talking to a member one on one, because its easier to have a conversation with someone, instead of using pm's, which i find hard to have conversations with, if its just a general conversation
  15. drumming207

    drumming207 Adept

    Is there an easy way to disable Cometchat for a specific user?
  16. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    yes. dd the user to a group, disable it for that group with an "if" statement.
  17. The Geek

    The Geek Novice

    I had to recently remove it as it caused browser freezes for some of my visitors. Really bummed to as I liked the product and so did my users, however if 10 users reported browser freezes, loads more were having them and not reporting and/or returning :(
  18. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Be very careful with using the IFs so they cant use it, the chat has a problem where a member can use it still when they have been banned as long as they dont reload the banned page, it is pretty stupid IMO.
  19. drumming207

    drumming207 Adept

    I created a new usergroup. What would the code actually look like? Something like this:

    <if condition="is_member_of(usergroup) group number">disable cometchat"</if>
    Thanks for this heads up Michael.
  20. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Actually, in this case, you need a "if member isn't a member of group x, show CometChat" conditional:

    <if condition="!is_member_of($bbuserinfo, [I][B]X[/B][/I])">
    CometChat code here
    Replace X with the ID of the group(s) for which the CometChat bar is hidden. If you notice the exclamation point after the equal sign, it means "if _ is NOT equal to _" or "if member isn't in group x, show CometChat". :cool:

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