Coffee is... ... currently brewing, creating aromas that are tempting Chris to rip the glass pot from the machine and pour whatever is in there into a mug.
50 bucks says 1 demitasse of Turkish coffee will keep y'all wired for 12 hours. I can't stand most coffees, I need it at a very dark roast. I've always been big on flavor. I usually mix dark or extra dark roasts together for a combination of flavors. Edit: What's the big deal with having English as a second language? English is my 3rd language and I've always excelled at it. There's no reason to castigate someone because English is their 2nd language, nor is it right to do the same to a person whose only language is English. It's called respect, and the last few pages didn't show there was respect. Personally, I speak more than 4 languages. I'm required to know those languages for the fields I've worked in. Be nice in the future. No reason to make enemies now.
Wow, back off, buddy. We were only joking around. This is the section of the forums where we can joke around and not worry about it being indexed outside of this section. I'm sure everyone else caught on that it wasn't really an attack on her, and I'm pretty sure she took it as a joke. I know lots of people that learned English as a second language or even multiple languages. What kind of dick do you think that I are?
What are you referring to, specifically? With the exception of one single post (along with another) in particular (more than likely the few in which you are referencing) that could be perceived in that light, I have yet to see a disrespectful remark made within this thread. Additionally, I believe that those remarks were made in a 'joking' manner, and I'm sure that the individuals involved would gladly reinforce this statement.
Hmm. I just realized I went through a pound of coffee in a week. And this is a pound I just bought for myself. Good lord.
BTW, Chris, have you ever seen this? I just spotted it online, it's a called a Starbucks berry mooncake.
@ Brandon: Bodum? @ Chris: It's from China only. It's a tiramisu cake baked locally by Starbucks China.