Even without Wayne's warning, I still would've told your friend to slow his roll. 5+ doesn't even remotely sound healthy.
I've told him on several occasions. He merely ignores what he's told and continues on with his habit. He's an adult and can make these choices for himself. Oh well... his health! :shrug:
I'm the same.. I can have 3+ liter bottles of the red bull equivalent (same thing different name) all in one go.
A dog woke me up this morning (which is unusual - there is only one dog in the neighborhood and he is generally indoors). His owners left him outside for an hour and he was barking incessantly for the entire time. This calls for a super-strong brew of coffee... one that only I can handle.
Coffee is.... in da cup. Just a note to everyone out there. My wife made me coffee the other day. However she isn't a coffee drinker. Never let a non-coffee drinker make you coffee. While the gesture was very gratifying, the beverage was less than satisfying.
Fortunately, we're all coffee drinkers over here. One of the Dunkin' Donuts franchise stores in this area recently hired an individual who is clearly not familiar with coffee. At some point during the five minute period that I was at the drive-through window (arriving, making the order, and receiving my coffee), my order of a large regular transformed into a medium decaffeinated hazelnut with five sugars.
Rofl, that reminds me of the time I went to Wendy's and the dude only charged me $0.50 for the food that was a total of $13.50.
-_- I wasn't the one driving, I was in the backseat, my friend drove off faster than you could say "You forgot your change" disregarding the fact that I was slapping him and calling him bad words in spanish.
I must be the only individual here that will take the initiative to make a cashier aware of the fact that he/she either gave me too much change and/or charged me too little.
No, as a professional cashier, I'd appreciate that too. I just find it funny that someone on the internet proposed that the morally-right path would be taken.
Coffee helped me stay up until about 2:30am last night and get some extra things done on my new site that I'm trying to finish this coming week
The person that undercharged you could lose their job over the mistake. Those restaurant chains aren't very lenient because they always have a stack of applications two-inches thick to replace someone with. I would always correct them.