Have actually never heard of Caribou coffee... Is this a midwest thing? We have "Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf", "It's A Grind", "Pandera Bread" and the ubiquitous Starbucks franchises locally. I don't think Pandera roasts their own coffee though. We have a couple of small mom and pop coffee shops but Starbucks built nine stores here last year and pretty much killed most of them. Supermarkets carry Seattle's Best, Tully's and Starbucks among the mass-produced junk of Folger's and Maxwell House. Of course Trader Joe's carries their own private branded coffee. Anyone ever purchase their java from Green Mountain? Oh wait, I guess they are associated with Caribou Coffee in some way. At least their website now has a tab that lets you buy Caribou Coffee in single serving brew cups. Don't have a Keuring brewer myself and those single serving cups are wasteful packaging wise.
Panera Bread*. :p I've never been there but your post made me chuckle. Seattle's Best has some good stuff, Pete's coffee which was great 10+ years ago smells like baby crap now when made. Never tried Tully's or the Trader Joe's one. The ones at Whole Foods is OK, but people rape the machines. Keuring, pfft, you don't need that crap, man. Have you got a French Press at home? Use that, it works fine.
We have Panera Bread restaurants here in Ohio. Very good place to eat! We also have a Caribou Coffee shop right here in Youngstown. They also offer free wi-fi and when I had a laptop a few years ago, I used to stop in for coffee and chat. How's that for internet addiction. As for Hoof Mints - . See the flame on the package? Take that very seriously.
Hmm, none of the stands here sell that. Interesting. I may have to travel off-campus to find a stand-alone store.
Dunno about Midwest thing, living in Iowa, I haven't heard of 'em either, but you can (apparently) order them from their website.
Those Hoof Mints and the Starbucks Mints use the same ingredients from the same supplier. Caribou and Starbucks use very similar tins. And yes, having only tasted the Starbucks ones and bitten down on the wintergreen caused my mouth to go on "fire". Less or no sugar, lots of minty oils.
Currently waiting for a brew of Dunkin' Donuts Original Blend to complete. I have not had a cup of coffee today.
:speechless: :speechless: :speechless: Coffee through the nose ain't good! Not one cup????? Are you crazy???
Nope. I'm currently on my first (and presumably my only) cup for the day. It's delicious, but I waited too long!
You're better than I. I would have been climbing the friggin walls by 11 am. Even worse, my poor taste buds would have thought I was depriving them of the essence of flavor!