I'm going for my third (afternoon) cup of coffee right now. We have some hazelnut spice creamer that I've been meaning to try!
I'm forced to drink warm Mt Dew right now. I was too lazy last night to put the six-pack in our trunk into the coolerator last night. :o The rest is in the freezer now.
I'm finishing a Mountain Dew off right now. Always nice to feel the "jolt" shortly after taking a few swigs.
Mt Dew will slowly take over the coffee world! Actually, I was REALLY disappointed when I found out that Coke has more caffeine than Mt Dew!
I can only drink coffee if: 1) It's free. 2) It has about 8 packets of sugar in it along with a ton of creamer.
Coffee is café in English. Coffee is very wierd when Chris explains it. Coffee is Peggy's 'drug'. Coffee is RockyRobbin's memory of Dennis' Coffee is unnecessary for twhiting Coffee is a nice shade grown organic blend from Costa Rica roasted to a medium Breakfast style blend purchased at Trader Joe's, brewed at Chez Wayne for Wayne Luke Coffee is a 20 minute drive for Randy Coffee is necessary to live according to ArnyVee Coffee is an opportunity to make people drool for Michelle Coffee is only should only be digested in depressing days like funerals, according to Ak Worm Coffee is s tasteless as a spammer for Michael Coffee is not an option for Ryan, he likes pop Coffee is something involving men to Shelly Coffee is something he drinks in the morning for Kneel Coffee is art for Abomination Coffee is a no-no for Chani, she prefers Mountain Dew. Coffee is okay for FMB she prefers Nutella <3 Coffee is is a thread in which Chris accused Nick of being a buzz kill because of his first post.
That was a very informative post. However, due to the first remark made in regards to my description of coffee, you will receive no brownie points. :owned:
Lies. I want the $3.00 that I spent on a jar on Nutella back. It will never get eaten. I worry about diabetes enough because it runs in the family. Anymore of that and I'll get diabetes for sure.