Let us know how they are. I've been removing some of the snow from our pool's cover in preparation for the squalls that are arriving this afternoon. As it is an in-ground pool, I've nearly fallen through the cover three times today. I'm competent, really... I am. :doh:
Thought to add here: Self-Frosting Nutella Cakes :ohi: FEISTYCOOK [ ..simply delicious home-cooked meals, etc.. ] - StumbleUpon
We've made the cookies, and can attest to their deliciousness. They don't look as pretty as that picture, and the cookies kind of absorbed the Nutella filling, but they have lots of chocolatey hazelnut flavor goodness.
Hi! I have been gone, and thought I would say HIIIIIIIIIIII The band is on tour right now, so it has been keeping me hopping and I have no time for playing or thinking. Well, that and still trying to find a job. :sweet: Hi HI HI!!!!!