Well we seem to be open 1st day of opening and we had 38 members in 1 day , we have chosen our first 2 moderators and will be hiring once reaching 40th member And we just opened our first competition where you could win a massive 2 month free premium vip, About the domain, we are going to buy one very soon if you wish to donate for a domain There are links below ...... Click for Rules Click to buy Premium VIP Click to view our Competition Click to give us Feedback Click to Affiliate with us Click to Donate -- ----------------------------------- www.codisland.co.cc
Just as I guessed you used that Member generator mod which is for MyBB and is called MyDevel Generate. Sad man lol.
No, most of them are generated. http://codisland.co.cc/memberlist.php they all have their names with the Lorem Ipsum text, which the mod makes the usernames with. and all of their pass's are devel123
I agree with choloboy. It will take time man, just be patient and promote here and FP, and other admin/promotion forums.
Yea in one month I was able to get over 100 members already, seems like a long time if you think about it but it went by pretty fast lol
Most of my forum came to popularity from noobz advertising on msn (I was a noob) and yerh It never popped my mind about using FP, all that 5k of users came from msn.
Yearh problem is 10% of 5k just wants staff, and 5% leaves every year so normally your left with 4.3k active.
I just had noobs sucking up to me, at the time I was a small hacker hacking just little servers and defacing sites e.g. habbo fansites e.g. Clubhabbo & habbox and then here came the noobs sucking up to me adding me and then opened my site so all u need is noobs on msn