Looking for someone who can literally just get a skin I hae had made up and working for me. I'm completely useless with the styles/templates editor on vB and need some help asap. I have a couple skins i want to get working, so any help would be amazing. In return I'm willing to offer my services in GFX design, so if necessary we could maybe work out some sort of deal where I hook you up with a banner or something? It's a bit problematic atm since I'm not getting much time online, but if anyone can help, let me know. Thanks.
^thanks guys. Actually, the skin's all made, images are all saved and uploaded to our server, it's just i need help (for lack of a better word) installing the skin. Setting up the images to show etc. It's at the point where literally if you have a vB, i could send you the files, you could setup the skin on your board, then just save the xml settings and send them back to me and it'd work. I'm just useless at doing all the stuff i have to do to set it up in the admin cp.
http://www.adminaddict.net/forum/images/adminaddict/buttons/reply.gif They all have .gif at the ending? Are they named correctly?
Actually, they won't necessarily all be GIF files. It depends on the skin he wants to install. Also, I don't think it's a problem with the images not showing up... he just wants somebody to install the skin for him. OP, I'm sure a fellow member will be able to help you out shortly. Unfortunately I'm relatively new to vBulletin, so can't really help you at the moment :p
I would do this in a heartbeat, but I NEED to start generating some income with a site that I'm working on right now because we may be losing our primary client to India.
Sorry, I'm an apparel decorator, and I use a very labor intensive and time consuming method to decorate t-shirts. Our primary client is now thinking of moving production of their shirts to India where you can get it done for pennies on the dollar. If they do this, until I find another regular client, I still need to pay our mortgage. [FONT="][/FONT]
GRR! I SOOOOOO want to show some pics that I have! How the **** do you pull embedded pics from emails in Outlook?!?
I think you may have misunderstood. I have all the hosting I want, but I have an email with images that was sent to me, and I'm trying to extract them in order to post them.
Oh well this thread has gone to copying images other than helping the dude with his new skin. -------- Do you want somebody to test it for you? I can do it