when do you put your christmas decorations up? normally its in the first week of december, but we put ours up today this year!!!!! (and baby sister already tried to climb the christmas tree) although one set of lights doesnt work and we seem to have lost the baubles for the tree, so thats my mission tomorrow get some more decorations, helped by my 6 year old brother, who has planned out exactly what he wants us to get and where to put it
Never... Could have something do to with being an Athiest. What I truly don't understand, tho, is people who put up their decorations right after Halloween. And then there are those people who MUST have THE BEST display on the block. I mean, if you're going to follow the Christian religion, doesn't it teach humility? Sorry, not trying to detract from this thread, but I had to capitalize on gnatster's post.
Usually, the tree goes up the friday after thanksgiving. Could have something do to with being a person, celebrating customs and enjoying life.
My tree will go up this week, hopefully. My son is bugging me about it already, lol. I do have the candles out and the music playing.
If we can find a way to put it up and not allow Leo to pull it down, it'll go up this weekend. I'd like to put lights up, but we don't really have a plan to do that yet. I think I'll get a big box of lights this year and plan things out next year, I want my lights to be so bright the neighbors can't sleep!..lol
Typically 1st weekend after TG, which is this coming. Going to a tree farm to cut itz down after the little ones decide which one. (gonna be a mess)
At least for me, I take some minutes and sit in front of the tree, I love the pretty lights, it's really pretty, but I'm still a kid. Anyways... I'm not religious, but I love putting up a tree and decorating it. Me and my family decorate it with old Christmas cards me and my brother made when we were smaller and we also put up old decorations with new ones. The star we use is VERY old and it was used on my mom's first 'Christmas'. We put the tree together on my brother's birthday(the 11th of Dec) and we put two more cards on my birthday. ^^
I suppose we'll put it up this weekend. We're getting a real one this year, and decorating it is my favorite part! Once everything is complete, I'll post pictures.
lol, my brothers birthday is 11th december too, he will be 5 there are loads of decorations on our tree, you barely see any green, and also some silver snowflakes on the windows, plastic icicles dangling from the celing and tinsel over all the pictures
Christmas is as Pagen or Christian as me being an alien. We bought a crap load of stuff this year and I'm waiting for the YMCA to bring those huge beautiful trees where you can pop the cysts on the tree that contain the tree's goo that gives off an amazing tree smell.
We'll put up a christmas tree sometime this week only for my family's kids. If it wasn't for them visiting and staying over at weekends I wouldn't even bother putting a tree up. I was thinking this year having a really bushy tree with a pop out (like a cuckoo clock) wolfs head screaming and howling out of the tree to scare them.
:lol: @ scaring them and what I interpreted that sentence as. Resident Silly Man, Peg, thought you'd know by now.
Usually 1st Dec - but we're running a bit behind schedule, not surprising with 5 kids, a dog and assignments due LOL
I'd like to see some kind of imploding tree. After the festive season you just add water and it implodes into thin air so the nightmare of taking it down and removing all the Christmas decorations isn't a hassle but more of a joy. Just add water. And pooooooooof. Not the happy go lucky tea pot style kind. I would think in this day and age and the way technology is advancing this kind of christmas tree must be possible? I'd also like a tree to have a special kind of feature that when the kids see their presents under the tree and they step into the trees vicinity it screams out at them alerting people that the kids are about to open their presents before christmas. Every year I notice little tears in the presents lol Not that I blame them we used to do the same and on occasions translating to every year. LOL
Usually the first week (or second) after Thanksgiving for the lights and such. But the trees we get are real so we usually wait until the second or third I guess.