i have finished!!!!!! pretty good for me as its november, and i normally start a few weeks before christmas! i also bought little candy canes to go inside all the christmas cards...well, ive already eaten two, and i let my little sister eat one cause she kept wanting mine. bet i need to buy more before christmas im also resisting the need to put the christmas decorations up at home and also the christmas skin for the forum, and the christmas smileys....i have to wait til december! whos started yet?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Not started ANY christmas shopping yet. But I have plans to soon **blushes**. As for the Christmas decorations for the forum, it'll be active on the 1st of December and I'm working on it this coming week. Probably just a VB org skin that I customise or just steal the header from to save cocking up my modifications and customisations. Well done for getting yours done Narna.
Oh good grief, I'm trying not to think about it yet! I almost always wait til after my son's birthday to start Christmas shopping. His day is the 20th, so after that - LOOK OUT WALMART! .
We havent finished our shopping just yet, half way there more or less. As for our forums being decorated were in preparation of a few Christmassy tweaks.
I'm a slacker! I did make some money at my yard sale this weekend, so I'd better put that money to good use! LOL
They have door greeters??? I wouldn't know. When I go to Walmart, I'm on a mission. I breeze in that door so fast I don't see anyone or anything - it's called tunnel vision. .
My wife and I will probably hit the black friday sales at Lowes. They usually have a lot of tools, flashlights and other stuff on sale.
i cant wait for christmas now, cause i cant wait til my little brothers and sisters see what ive got them
Being as the only family I have any contact with is a Brother and Sister-in-law we decided years ago to stop the gift giving. Sure makes for a more stress free holiday time.
I make a list of who I want to get stuff for, ideas of what I want to get them, how much I want to spend, what I actually got them, if I wrapped them. Once I decide what to get them, I shop around until I find the best price. If you buy things on-line sometimes you can get a better price if you do one trick. Go all the way to check-out. Go through the whole thing until you have to press process order or place order or something like that. then just close the entire window down. Sometimes a window will pop up with a discount code. Also you can use the link below to create a list of your own
We've been buying fewer and fewer individual presents lately (due partly to the economy and partly due to everyone getting older... Christmas is really for the kids in the family). Instead we churn out fancy homemade cookies and give plates of them to those we have social obligations to. I'm busy working on a Living Avatars pack of children/elves... lot of work for a forum with only 50 members, but I plan for this one to be a showpiece.
My family and I usually do shopping on Black Friday. This year, we're I'm not getting alot. I ordered my mom's gifts the other day, so I just have my brother, step-dad, step-mother, and grandparents to buy for. I may get a few gag gifts for friends, but that's it.