Christmas/holiday themes

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Yoshi, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. Yoshi

    Yoshi Regular Member

    Do you customize your forum around the holidays, add any Christmas things, maybe a special Christmas version of your skin etc?

    I will this year, seems fun to me :p
  2. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    We held a Christmas banner competition for our members last year and changed the statusicons to those candy sticks on vbimageworks and also changed the buttons for new threads etc to red ones with snow on also from vbimageworks.
  3. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

  4. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Depends on the forum.
    My two fansites, absolutely!
    My main forum (tvotb), not so much, because I've done a lot of work to get that custom theme where it is.
  5. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    I have a winter theme that I put up in December to get everyone in the holiday mood; it isn't overtly Christmas-y though. There's a winter fairy floating around with a candy cane, but the primary symbol I use is the star, which works for just about any religion.
  6. Dave

    Dave Regular Member

    we have a santa on a sledge theme flying through the header...looks good..nice and xmassy
  7. danrak

    danrak Addict

    Usually just do a little something to that logo. Add some snow and presents. I do not change the whole theme.
  8. BabyDesigner

    BabyDesigner Adept

    Think ill just play around with the logo, be a lot easier than changing the whole forum style.

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